Chapter 4

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Lisa's P.O.V.

Damn my head hurts like a bitch

wait where am I?

oh God who's next to me?!

I slowly turned my head and saw Niall?

He, he was naked, wait so am I. Omg did.!?!?!

I tried getting up but my legs hurt so bad I couldn't even sit up without being in pain.

"Lisa?" Niall said in his morning voice

"Ye-yeah?" I said in a shaky voice

"Where are you going?"

"Well I was gonna try to put my clothes on but I can't."

"Why are you gonna put your clothes on we can go for round two right now." he said grabbing my waist and pulling me close to his naked body giving me nasty chills. So we did have sex

"Aha aha aha no I don't think so, can you just help me put my clothes on my mom is probably worried about me."

"yeah sure."

he got up and didn't even bother putting clothes on he just walked over to me and helped me up as I screamed in pain

"Dang I really went hard on you huh?" He said with a slight smirk as he helped put on my underwear

"yeah and it hurts like a bitch."

"Sorry love I didn't mean to hurt you that bad just so you'd remember."

"Well I remember damn well!"

As I put on my shirt I asked Niall if I could borrow some sweats and shoes. Cause you know I want to be comfortable.He went over to his drawers and pulled out some black sweats and got some slippers from his closet.

"and while your at it can you put on some clothes."

He gave me a look I couldn't make out and put on a shirt and boxers.

"Here." he said while helping put on the sweats

"Niall what exactly happened last night......between us..?"

He smirked before he told me everything and I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!!

"woah that's what happened"

"ha yeah"

After he was done helping me get ready he walked me to my house. As I looked in my purse for my key my mom had opened the door with the most scariest look on her face I didn't even want to stay there.

"Where the hell have you been?" she said through gritting teeth

"I went to his party remember and I just knocked out over there."

"and you why didn't you carry her over here?"


Niall's P.O.V

Lisa's mom was cussing me out right now for not bringing her back home last night and I'm trying not to yell back but this is really hard.

"Mom calm down it's not his fault okay!"Lisa interrupted,"I accidentally partied to hard and fell asleep at his house okay!"

She got out of my grip and gave me a kiss on the cheek then she walked inside as her mom slammed the door in my face. My heart was skipping beats as I was walking home. Her lips are so soft I could kiss them all day.

"Aye chito what the fuck was that?" I heard someone say

I looked around and saw my crew walking towards me. I quickly threw on my hood and walked over to them.

"Who's that bitch?"Liam said

"I don't know I just picked her up."

"Oh really that's why your always with her right?" He said,"Don't think I don't know where you are at all times chito think you can get away with anything. You ain't slick."

"I didn't say I was I just don't want you guys fucking with her."

"Leave her alone and we won't even look at her."

I thought for a second about how hard it would be to not talk to Lisa but...




Erm really late really sucky update but uhm yeah


Christina xo

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