Chapter2 airports starbucks and dead brothers!

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Esther's POV

I dragged my suitcase along the floor of the airport I brought my ticket yesterday so I don't have to wait in the long cues to get one.

Theres about an hour left before I have to bored the plain so I think I'm gonna go get a coffee I said to myself. I walked into Starbucks and brought a mocha and a chocolate chunk muffin my favourite.

The time passed by just thinking about my family and how much my life had changed. I looked at the time on my phone and realised I only had five minutes to get into the plane.

I ran.

dodging past people and children carrying large suit cases,

past people in weird looking uniforms who obviously work here,

until I got to the opening of the plane.

I handed the lady outside the plane my passport and ticket so she could check them, once that was sorted out I walked in and sat down in my designated seat.

About a minute later a man came and say next to me he smiled politely and said "hello".

He had pale white skin and chocolate coloured hair with caramel highlights through it. His eyes were a green colour which almost looked yellow. 'hi I'm Esther" I replied smiling at him, he chuckled and said "oh nice to meet you I'm Alaric, alaric Salvatore". Salvatore I'd heard that name somewhere before...oh I remember I'm staying at a place called the Salvatore mansion, maybe he lives there.

"by any chance do you live at the Salvatore mansion?!" i asked, he looked at me suspiciously and said "yes how did you know?" "oh that's where I'm staying, you told me your last name and I put two and two together!"

"oh, well I'm going to get some sleep now you should do the same its going to be a long flight!"

I was very tired... "okay nighty night" I said whilst slowly drifting of into sleep.


I woke up to somebody shaking me gently "esther we have arrived"

"are we at the next airport?" I mumbled tiredly.

"no you slept through the whole flight and I didn't want to wake you so I carried you into my car as we were going to the same place, we are at the mansion";

"oh okay". I got out of the car and collected my bags and suit case whilst he collected his. He slammed the boot and we started walking up the parth to the door of my new home!

He opened the door and I was blown away it was huge I was expecting big but not this big!

"how many people live here?" i asked "me my two brothers and a family friend"

We walked into the room to be greeted by two surprisingly warm welcoming faces "Esther these are my brothers, sam" he said pointing to a boy who looked to be slightly younger than Harry slightly older than me. He had light brown hair hair and creamy brown coloured eyes and was really tall!; "and this is my other brother harry" he said motioning towards a guy who looked again slightly older than me only by a year or so. He had dark brown hair and sparkly emerald green eyes.

"Where's Emmet?" he asked. As soon as he said that name my heart stopped that was the name of my brother ,the one that went missing we found his body last year close to our house.

it's going to be hard living in a house when one of the people living in it had the same name as your dead brother. "he's just coming through now" as he said that we heard a door slam.

In walked brother.

I couldn't believe it  we both had shocked expressions on our faces.

We both stayed staring at each other for what seemed like ages; Sam, Alaric and Harry all had confused expressions on their faces.

"what is going on!"Sam whispered. "h-he's mm-y brother!" I whispered and burst into tears, emmet my brother pulled me into a tight bear hug his tall frame towering over me. "you where dead!" I screamed pushing him away from me. "bubba come here, I had to pretend I was dead I can't tell you the reason why otherwise you will be in danger but believe me I had to!" I suddenly felt extremely dizzy, my knees went weak and I nearly fell to the ground. Just before I did alaric caught me I looked up at him as black spots started to cloud my vision, I then blacked out.


Hi thanks for reading the second chapter her brothers alive yay aha!! Song for this chapter is let her go by passenger!! Love this song lol

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