Chapter 4

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I got to work the next day to find the whole band already there. "Last night was so much fun." Tyler said stretching. Emily and Bryan nodded in agreement. They all looked at Alex waiting for his confession. "Did Aleeex have fun?" Tyler cooed into his ear. "You guys get on my nerves."Alex said twitching. Me and the others burst into laughter. "Yes I had fun." He said. The band broke into cheers. "You guys are ridiculous. You act as though I never have fun." He said. Everyone gave him an arguing stare. He twitched. "I have fun!" He yelled in protest. Everyone laughed. He sighed and grabbed his neck, giving up on the situation. "So now what are we doing?" I asked curiously. "Starting to find places we can play our music." Alex said. I nodded. "Bryan has connections so I'm not to worried about it." Alex said with a shrug. "I'll have some gigs ready by the end of the week." He vowed.

Alex nodded and started coughing. He had a sheen of sweat on his face and looked paler then usual. He grabbed his chest in pain. I grabbed his shoulder in an attempt of comfort. Once he regained himself he was breathing heavily and raspy. "Guys I'm taking him home." I said. He shot me a sharp look. "I never told you to do such a thing." He barked before coughing more. I sighed. They nodded. "Me and Emily will take care of his car." Tyler said. "Ok thank you." I said. "I never agreed to this." Alex growled. "You don't have much choice, can you walk?" I asked. "I can walk just fine." He said sharply, stumbling to his feet. "Thats what I thought." I said grabbing his arm and wrapping it around my neck so he didn't have to be on his full weight. I helped him to the passenger side of my car. We drove off and Alex directed me to his house. "You guys fuss over nothing." Alex said looking out the window. "We're just worried is all, and if you leave an illness untreated it can get worse." I said. He lived in really extravagant appartments. I helped him all the up to his room, thank god for elevators. The longer he was on his feet the weaker he seemed to get.

We made it to his room and he managed to unlock it. He pushed away from me and went to the couch collapsing on it. He groaned in pain. "I told you." I said going next to him crossing my arms. "S-shutup. I'm c-capable of taking care of myself you know." He managed through gritted teeth. I sighed and shook my head. "I'll see what I can find to help." I said going to the kitchen. He didnt have much food but luckily soup was in stock. "You don't have much food." I called. I rummaged through the cupboards and found some tea. I put a kettle with water in it on the stove then went to the bathroom in hopes of finding medicine. Which I found without a problem. I brought the medicine out to him. "Can you sit up?" I asked. He struggled to push himself up but he did it. He sighed shakily. I helped him take some of the medicine. His face scrunched into discust. "I'm sorry I know it doesn't taste great, I'm making you some tea for now, a little later we'll try soup." I said moving his hair out of his face. "I'll get a cold towel for you." I said scurrying to the kitchen. I got a washcloth and got it wet with cold water. I rushed back to his side.

His eyes held no more of the cold distance. I set the cloth on his forehead and went to pull away until he grabbed my wrist. "Why are you doing this?" He murmered in confusion his eyes met mine. "You haven't known me that long but here you are-" coughing inturupted him. "Taking care of me like we've known each other for years." He finished weakly. "It's because I care about you, I dont want to see you any sicker then this." I said. He let go of my wrist with a "hmph." I heard the kettle squeel and rushed over to it. I made his tea and brought it to him. "Aren't you going to have any? You must be exhausted by now." He said taking a drink. "I guess I could have some." I said getting back up. I made my tea and sat next to him on the couch. We sat in silence for a while.

"Its not like you to be so quiet." He said in a weak raspy voice. "I'm sorry, I'm just really worried is all, and your acting weird..." I said. He chuckled. "Weird?" He asked. I looked into his eyes and grabbed my neck. "That's bad?" He asked. "Not bad, just... weird. I'm not used to seeing this side of you." I admitted. I felt him lean against me. "I'm sorry... so...weak..." he breathed. I stiffened. His head was on my shoulder. Luckily he couldn't see my face turning red. "No it's ok, but we should get you to your bed." I said he groaned just loud enough for me to hear I smiled. One of his eyes opened to look at me. "I see that smile, what's that for?" He grumbled. "Oh nothing, I'm just amazed at how childish you can be." I said giggling. His other eye opened and he scowled at me. I grabbed his arm again wrapping it around my neck I helped him up and to his room. He crawled onto his bed and callapsed. I got him a fresh wet towel removing the otherone and moving his hair out of his face. He as asleep. I put the fresh cloth on his forehead. I sat on the bed next to him to watch over him as he slept.

The next morning I woke to find I fell asleep with my head on his chest. I scrambled to get up in panick. "Your up." He said with a raspy voice. "I uh, uhm... I must of fell asleep while watching over you." I said grabbing my neck. He was watching me carefully. "Your voice is still raspy, are you feeling any better at all?" I asked. He shook his head and turned onto his side facing me. I sighed. "I see." I said. "I'll go get you some juice, your medicine, and some toast. I'll be back." I said. He just nodded and closed his eyes. I got up and left him to get the stuff.

When I came back Alex pulled himself upto a sitting position. I had everything on a tray for him. He took the tray and thanked me. After he was done with the stuff on the tray he handed the tray back to me. I took care of the tray and returned to him. He had his hair up now with stray hair still hanging in his hair. "I never did thank you for all of this..." he said. "It's ok I know you didn't want the help or anything." I said. He sighed. "I'm sorry for my harsh words... I just... don't like getting help. Though I guess this time I needed it. Thank you." He said. I smiled. "It's no problem." I said sitting next to him. He looked over at me. "Keep smiling like that." He murmered. I looked at him confused. "I know your worried but I will be just fine. I hate seeing you so sad." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug. I didn't know what to say. "I'll try... for you." I said closing my eyes. We stayed like that a while till I figured he passed out again. I wiggled my way oit of his arms and sighed. What will happen when you recover? I ran a hand through my hair. I need a shower soon... I got up and decided I would do some cleaning. It was late now but everything was tidy.

"You didn't have to do that idiot." Alex said. I turned to look at him. His face was soft. "I know... hey, what are you doing up?" I demanded. "I felt good enough to get up. Plus I needed a shower. It looks like you need one to, you can go ahead and take one." He said. I nodded. "Thank you." I said. I took my shower and got clean. It looked like he had some of his clothes aid out for me. Black sweats and his black button up shirt. Man this guy weres a lot of black. I put them on and found a brush. After brushing my hair I went back out to the living room. "Thank you for the clothes." I said. "Its the least I could do." He said. I nodded and sat down on the couch next to him. "So you're getting better?" I asked. "Yea I think so." He said glancing at me. I smiled. "Thats good." I beamed. He wrapped an arm around me pulling me close. I blushed and looked down. "I wonder if Bryan has anything set up yet." He said. "You should'nt worry about that yet." I scolded him. He chuckled.

The next day he was completely better. "I'll see you at work." He said. I nodded. "And again, thank you for everything." He said. I nodded and took my leave. I took a shower and got some of my own clothes on then got in my car for work. When I arrived Alex was already there with everyone. "Welcome back Juliet." Emily said with a smile. Alex glanced at me. "Thank you." I beamed with a smile. "So juliet if I get sick does that mean you'll take care of me?" Bryan asked with a pout. "Thats's absurd. She's my assistant after all." Alex said grabbing me and pulling me close. My face flushed. "That's not fair you didn't even want her help." Bryan said. Alex narrowed his eyes. "Looks like juliet has grown on you." Tyler said laughing. "What!?" Alex shouted. Tyler motioned to his tight grip on me. That doesn't mean anything." He said letting go. Him and Tyler were arguing. I looked at Emily and we both laughed. It seemed everything was back to normal... well close enough.

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