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Atmos, a world of a thousand mountaintop kingdoms, the Terras, created after the Great Storms that ripped through the land until only a few chunks of habitable places were left. With scarce areas to live on, conflicts were bound to happen.

The Cyclonian Empire, an ancient kingdom had begun trying to conquer every single Terra under its flag. To protect the Terras from being obliged to unite under the leadership of one single dictator, the Sky Knights were created. Each defending their own Terras and cultures, but they'd also team up with other Sky Knight squadrons since they all had the same goal: to keep their freedom.

The war had been lasting for centuries, countless generations went through it, and so far, with some battles being won and others being lost, the results were draws. The rulers of Cyclonia kept trying to come up with several methods of conquering the world, and up until then, they have failed.

They have decided to find allies, so the Raptors joined them. They also attempted to get aid from the Wallops, a race who values strength as the most important thing, by showing how powerful they were, after bigs battles in which they've won and managed to capture several Terras. And apparently, they'd been trying to make an alliance with a dark faction that so far seemed to be neutral, the Night Crawlers.

The war began going on Cyclonia's favor for once. And because of that, a brand new idea came to light, a special Sky Knight squadron would roam around the Atmos to protect everyone in need: the Storm Hawks. The Storm Hawks, led by the greatest Sky Knight of all, Lightning Strike, managed to save several Terras from the Cyclonian clutches, but that wasn't enough, the Empire was forming a huge army and planning a much bigger invasion.

A battle in world scale was imminent. Lightning Strike managed to convince all the Sky Knights that they'd only stand a chance if they all united into one single army to bring the fight to Cyclonia: that'd be the Battle to End All Battles.

While the main battle itself was an important event that scarred the world, it didn't end the war by itself. The war would have gone on for much longer if it weren't for certain people. Not that many know about this since this side of Atmos' history has been kept in the shadow of the bigger battle's spotlight. A boy and a girl that met each other by pure chance. Two teenagers who happen to be very extraordinary individuals that changed the world's fate by themselves.

And this is their story...

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