Chapter 9: dark carnival

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Nick: well hate to be the bear of bad news but unless Ellis can make a monster truck I think were walking from here

Ellis: yeah sorry guys I can't work miracles guess this wasn't such a hot idea after all

Nick: hey don't sweat it it was a good plan to get us out of the mall we just need to walk from here

Rochelle: well what are we waiting for let's go!

Narrator: the group then set out to go to the carnival to the safehouse when

{Witch moan}

Nick: what the hell is that!

Cindy: is someone still alive?

Rochelle: I'm not sure let's look

Narrator: as the group walks toward the witch she starts getting pissed

Krystal: nick be careful!

Nick: listen Krystal if I die just protect Cindy and stay strong okay love you both

Narrator: as nick approaches the witch she starts chasing him

Nick: I pissed the witch off!

Krystal: nick no!!

Narrator: by the time Krystal got there it was too late nick was dead

Krystal: nick...please come back honey come back *Cry's*

Rochelle: its okay Krystal we can find a defib unit and bring him back we just need you to stay at the saferoom with him okay

Krystal: *sniff* okay

Narrator: so coach picked up nicks body and headed for the saferoom Krystal went ahead and made a somewhat comfy bed for him

Krystal: lay him here Cindy go with coach and Rochelle and find a defib for your daddy

Cindy: okay momma

Krystal: don't worry hun well help you

Ellis: we are the kings of the world!

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