Chapter 1: all alone...for now

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Narrator: one week after first infection

Nick: aww tits I need to fucking find a goddamn group of people

Johnathan: sorry bro but I've been bit I won't make it

Nick: aww hell naw man come on! You can't die not now!

Johnathan: nick- you c-can m-make it to the h-hotel I love you *hands gun*

Nick: john...nooooo! *kneels down and weeps*

Narrator: so nick finally stops crying and runs away from a tank and into a random safehouse then he runs into coach Ellis Rochelle

Nick: help! I'm not infected!

Coach: put yo hands up!

Nick: *puts hands up*

Ellis: are you infected?

Nick: no I'm not

Rochelle:here sit down

Nick: *sits on counter*

Rochelle: are you with CEDA?

Nick: no I'm not...I was with my brother when he got bit he told me to go to some hotel?

Ellis: that's where were got any weapons?

Nick: uh I got a pistol it was my brothers

Coach: hold on we need to have a talk

Nick: okay

Coach: how can we trust him he's a man in a white suit I don't trust him

Ellis: aww come on coach he said he was headed towards the same hotel as we are he's a new part of this crew we should trust him

Rochelle: you know what Ellis is right that poor guy had one damn pistol there's now way he'd survive on his own

Coach: okay ro I'll trust him

Rochelle: okay good imma go talk to him

Nick: oh hey!

Rochelle: hey...listen you can come with us as long as you help us when we need it

Nick: thank you

Ellis: okay now that that's handled I'm Ellis what's your name?

Nick: names nick

Coach: people call me coach you can do the same

Rochelle: and I'm Rochelle nice to meet you nick

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