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Cameron's POV

I got up super early at like 7. The little talk ally and I had almost made me cry. I know one day we are not going to be together but right now I'm in love with her. She's so very special and I want to prove that to her. I kissed her forehead as I walked downstairs. Nash was sitting down.
"Wow you are up early!"I say to Nash.
"Ya I have a meeting. Why are you up early?"he asks.
"Ally and I had a emotional sorta talk last night. I love her so much. I'm going to set up something. I don't know yet but I need help."I say.
"I can help. What time?"he asks
"Like around 9:30 she needs to get ready and be there by 10:30. It gives her a hour. It's fine if you guys are late."I say.
"Ok well I have my meeting until 8:30. I leave at 8."he says.
"Well that's not bad."I say.
"Could be worse. Where am I taking her?"he asks.
"Olive Garden. She always wants to go there so it's fancy and has amazing food."I say.
"K sounds good."he says. I walk outside and get in my car. I drive home to get start my shower and get ready. I got my reservation set and everything will go perfect to plan.

Ally's POV

I wake up to Nash jumping on the bed saying "get up" over and over again.
"Get out. It's 9:25 to early"i say
"You need to get ready. Dress nice and get all pretty."he says
"Why?"I ask
"Just do it be done by 10:20!"he says
"K"I say. I bet Cameron's got something set up. I smile to myself as I get up. I rush to my closet as I grab out a dress and a pair of heels. I ran to my bathroom an got in the shower. After I was done I dried off and blow dried my hair plugging In my curling iron. I put on my undergarments then my outfit. I began curling my hair until I was done then brushed my teeth and did my makeup. After I was done I sprayed perfume then grabbed my phone and wallet. Can't wait.

Next chapter will be the date!

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