Chapter 4 part 1

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Chapter 4

Alisha pov

I was mad as fuck. I couldn't believe Mike would do something like that, it wasn't him. I don't want to leave him because I love him. I have no choice now. He changed for the worse. I was walking back to class and Chris came up to me. I was happy that I saw him but I didn't know why. He was asking me if I was ok and I just smiled. I don't know what came over me but, I kissed his cheek and walked away.

Chris pov

I was shocked like she kissed me out of nowhere like I must be sexy. She then walked away...wait. How she going to kiss me and walk away like no bring that ass back here girl. So I caught up with her. She looked at like she didn't not what she did. I said what was that's for she said for saving me. I just smirked at her and she said what?? I said give me your number. She said nice try and left. I said this girl man and ran after her.

August pic

I went up to Aionna and started at her. She said can I help you. I said yup. So she said nigga what like you just going to stand there. I got in her face said you pretty. Her face turned mad red so I said u cute when you blush. I saw Chris running after Alisha like I wonder what happen. Aionna was like nigga move. I said what. She said the bell rung and you in my way. I looked at her and was like say nigga one more time and see what's going to happen. She said n-i-g-g-a nigga. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me and I stared at her I was going to kiss but nolen walked in and I let her go.

Nolen pov

I walk into class and I see my girl and this boy. I was mad so I said who's this. Aionna said August. Then this nigga smiled at her. I was like ok and wrapped my arm around her and we left. Once we got in the hallway I pushed her against the locker. I said in a deep voice if I see you with him again I going to hurt him. Aionna was like nigga move, nothing going on, he just a friend. I said stay away from him. So I see Alisha with the boy and I text Mike about it he said bet.

Later at home

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