Chapter 5

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Aionna pov

I was so mad. I looked at nolen and he had a shocked look on his face. I jumped over the couch and started hitting him. Bae stop he said but, I just keep going. I was so mad. He push me into the wall and pin my hands above my hand. He said calm down. I said get off on me.. He said you calm. I said. He gave me a look and let go off me. I punched him right in his face. He said I'm sorry. I said get the fuck out of my house. He said baby please I- get out I said. He looked at me and he left. I just didn't know what to do so, I just went to bed.

Alisha pov.

I was crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe he hit me. Right now I'm at Chris house, knocking on his door. I just need him. He open the door and looked at me in worried. He hugged me and said what happen. I said mike hit me. He pulled away from the hug and looked deep in my eyes. He then pulled me in his house and closed the door.

Next day..

Aionna pov

I been texting Alisha all day and she haven't been responding. I started to get worried so I got dressed, did my hair and everything and drove over to her house. 30 mins later, I was there. I got out of my car and walked to the door. I knocked on the door. Mike opened saying what? I said where is Alisha. He said I don't know. I smelled alcohol mixed with his stank ass breath. I pinched my nose and said go brush your teeth with your stank ass breath. He gave me a straight face looked and left.

Chris pov

It was in the morning and I made breakfast for Alisha. I'm mad as hell that he put his hands on her but, she is mine now and she is not going anywhere. I was putting some eggs on the plate when I see Alisha walking in sleepy, rubbing her eyes. Good morning I said with a smile. She looked at me, smiled and said good morning.

Aionna pov.

I left drunk ass Mike's house and decided to go to the mall. If u didn't know what happen last night I'm going to tell you

Flash back

I put the CD in and press play. Then I saw nolen fucking Esteem.

Aionna pov

That's it and you what happen after that. I was walking in the mall. I went straight to footlocker to get some shoes. When I walked in there, these one pair of Jordan's caught me eye. I ran straight to them and said I'm taking this home with me. I heard someone said hello how may I help you. I didn't say anything so I thought whoever it was will go away. I heard them cough. I looked and I saw August smirking at me. In my head I said oh hell nah not now. August said can I help u? I said Yea let me get these in a size 6. He just stood there. I said are you going to get my shoes or nahh? He said what's the word. I said nigga can u- he pinned me into the wall. In a deep voice he said what did I tell you about calling me that? I said can you please get my shoes...please. He smirked and got off me and went to get my shoes. I was blushing like crazy. I went to the register and August came out from the back and said here. I looked in the box to make sure and he laughed. I said how much he said take them I'll pay. I said ok and got my shoes and was walking out of footlocker. August said you forgetting to say something. I said what and he stared at me smirking. I said thank you. He said you welcome. I left the store and continued shopping.

Chris pov

Alisha and I have just finished breakfast. She was staring at her phone. I said what? She said mike. I just got mad. I pushed her into the wall and kissed her hard. Just hearing his name just piss me off. I pulled away and Alisha just stared at me. Then she smiled and kissed me. I said you don't have to worry about him no more. She said ok and hugged me. We later cuddled up on the couch and watched spongebob together.

Esteem pov.

So you finally know who I am. Yup my name is Esteem. Anyways, I was in my house chilling. Oh and left the box at their house. Nolen should be her any minute- Bang!!..Bang!!! Someone was knocking on my door. I got up and said who is it. They didn't say nothing. I opened the door and I see an angry nolen. I said hey and he grabbed me by my throat and pushed me into the wall. I said let go of me...I can't breath. He tighting his hand around my neck and in a deep voice he said I don't want you leave me the FUCK ALONE!!!! And he let me go. I dropped to the ground gasping for air. He stared at me with hatred and they turned around and left. Once I got myself together. I grabbed my phone off the couch and hit up my home girl. Hello she said. I said Yea I need your help. In my head I said this isn't over....

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