part 4.

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"hey, why'd you stop?" he looked back at me.

my lips parted from the surprise.
jungkook walked to me.

"yah, you okay?" he bend a little down towards my face
then waved his hands.

"j-jungkook??" i blinked.

"yeah, jungkook. jeon jungkook."
he said, nodding.




"jeon jungkook."

"a-are you sure??" i used my fore finger to push his head away from mine.
he suddenly chuckled.

"yes, i am sure. oh.min.ju."

"how'd you know my name?" i crossed my arms.

im getting very confused here.
gold guy's name is kim jungkook.
and this jungkook in front of me is
jeon jungkook.

"well duhh, your name tag." he pointed at it.

when he said 'well duhh'
it reminded me of kim jungkook.
he always uses that.

"of course, i knew about my name tag." i awkwardly smiled,
"but are you sure? its JEON?"

"minju, its jeon okay?"

"okay okayyy."

"com'on lets go."

"uhh why?"

he sighed,
"we're neighbours remember?"

that left me thinking for a bit.

"is your head not working?" he laughed.

"eh. lets go then." we walked together.

now i know his name. he's not gold guy.
see i told ya, i was right.
the whole time, he was smiling.

"doesn't your muscles hurt from smiling? like dude, the whole time you wer-"

"nope, im good." he exhaled the air,
"oh we're here!"

oh yeah, we are. didn't even notice.
i guess i was staring at him the whole time..?
i ain't tryna make a spark here.

"it was nice to meeting you," he unlocked his door,
"oh.min.ju." then, he left with that smile again.

"hmm, that guy is weird.."
i went inside my apartment.
i live alone by the way.

well, i used to live with my parents but i have to move because of school.
our house was really far away.
so yeah..

i miss them a lot.
i plopped myself on the bed.
looking up at the ceiling.
then gold guy texted me.

gg: hii~

min: OH YEAH! on the way home, i finally talked to this guy i always see every single school day. WE EVEN RIDE THE SAME BUS! AND WE'RE NEIGHBOURS TOO!!

gg: rlly? what's his name?

min: jungkook. jeon jungkook.

gg: oh! we have the same name!


gg: but too bad, it wasn't meeee

min: what's up with the

gg: its nothing. :))

min: lol let me tell ya somethin

gg: wat?

min: keep this a secret between the two of us k?

gg: ofc!

min: i kinda like that guy. kekeke~

gg: jinja? since when?

min: the third first time i saw him. kekekeke~~

gg: love at third sight? haha!

min: i wouldn't call it love. just a mini crush. dude, he gave me heart flutters earlier.

gg: oooo~ min in love with jungkook!!

min: just a crush okayyy.

gg: sometimes, someone's crush turns to love. *wiggles eyebrow

min: ooo how about, crush just stays as crush? *deeps fry you

gg: oh man holy shit! i'll be a sexy crunchy deep fried kim jungkook. 😏

min: yeah yeah, sure keep dreaming. im gonna take a shower now.
bye! :))

gg: okay, see yah! ;))

see yah? eh, maybe he just made a typo and was too lazy to correct it.
what a lazy ass, haha.


remember when kookie
said "oh man holy shit!"
he such a grown up kid
now. im crying. T_T


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