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Hey, my name's Alice, and yes I was named after Alice from Alice in Wonderland, I am 15 years old and 5'2 feet tall. I live in California and I love it here the only problem is it gets boring very easily around here.
Things you should know about me are;
1) i have blonde hair and green eyes. my natural hair color is brown though.
2) Halloween is BAE.
3) hate acting or singing.
My whole life I have always dated tall guys and no, not guys who are taller then me,TALL guys, like 6'5, okay maybe not THAT tall but you know what I mean. Anyways this year we got a new guy in are grade and yep you guessed it he is tall, 5'9 I'm guessing, he has math and science with me so let's hope those are his bad classes so I can touter him because math and science are my best classes. his name is Aaron by the way and he is really hot, I swear he is a god! blue eyes, dark brown hair, cute smile, muscular and most of all TALL!

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