Chapter 3

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"Thanks again for helping me with my work."
"Of course." he started walking off, "hey, wait," he turned around, "wanna come to my place?"
"No sorry I can't I'm busy tonight."
"Oh, what are you doing?"
"I have plans with my girlfriend." my heart dropped, HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!!
"Oh. Alright." once he left I dropped my binder and screamed, I was so upset, I can't believe it. I need to find out who his girlfriend is, he has to be lying. he's just joking around with me, right? tears started coming down my face, "why?" I go down on my knees and cover my eyes as I cried.
"What's wrong?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I wiped my tears away and looked to see who it was.
"Oh, nothing, Henry."
"You sure?" I nod. Henry is 5'7 ish and in basically all my classes. We used to play at each others houses when we were younger but I never see him a lot anymore, "how have you been?" I give him a glare, "ha, I'm guessing not good. are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Henry!"
"Jeez sorry." he helps me up and grabs my binder then hands it to me, "see you around." he walks away and I start to head home.
"Jeez, why does Henry always have to but into my business?!" I walk into my house and my moms making dinner.
"Hey hon-" I run upstairs before she could finish and run into my room and slam the door. I jump onto my bed and cry into my pillow, I don't know why I'm so upset but this is such a horrible feeling. I thought it was going so well until he said he had a-a-a gi-girlfriend, I cry even more. I scream into the pillow and my mom comes into my room, "you alright?" I tell her everything, "I know what you're going through and it will get better. Don't worry about some stupid boy, even if he is cute, you have better things that matter."
"Yeah." I sniffle, "thanks." I hug her and she hugs me, my mom is so nice.

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