Part - 2

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It's been a week after that little new guest had born.
So whole family started to choose a name for their little princess.
All of their family members came with a different name.
Finally they came to a decision that every family members has to tell their favourite name before that new born and let her choose her name by giving a move or a smile!
One after another started to tell their favourite name before that new born she didn't move or anything till the elders of their family had their try.
Finally Prabhu came before her and said MADHUMITHA!!!
She smiled widely.
Prabhu was super happy.
He already love his little sister very much after she chosen his favourite name he thought to take care of her even more.
He felt the bonding between them and thought she's my little princess and I'd do anything to make her happy.
When Madhu got three months old she had her first solid food in Prabhu's hand.
Likewise Madhu's first word is not mom or dad it's Prabhu.
They became inseparable.
But they were differ in one thing.
Prabhu was a very quite when our dreamer was very mischievous.
Her whole family members got tired on babysitting her within her first birthday.
Yes she wants her whole family members awake before her when she was awake in night.
She won't let anyone to sleep in night.
If anyone go to sleep she'd cry for hell which make that whole street to awake.
Madhu was so adamant and arrogant too.
Still she's irresistible.
In two days she going to turn one year old!!

Mischievous continues....

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