School Life!!!!

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Our dreamer started her schooling and got good grades in studies as well as mischievous.
Still being a good listener she got double promoted in her 2nd class and as well as in 4th class.
Her family treated her as a princess.
So they always give hundred when she asks for one!
She got tired of their overprotective, love and care.
She started to create her own world, her dream world.
In her own world she's the Queen.
In 4th class when she was 6
she put a bucket full of water mixed with clay from school terrace at her classmate head for teasing her.
In 5th class when she was 7 she written her own first poetry which made her parents and family to proud.
Being a natural lover she always wanted to be surrounded with trees, fresh cool air.
So Prabhu made a great garden within their house.
Every night our dreamer goes for a walk in their house garden over fresh grasses with her feet.
One day she laid on grass and look up on the sky.
Moon smiled at her or at least what she imagined.
That day she accepted moon as her bestie.
She started to share everything with her bestie.
In our real world moon has full moon day and new moon day but in our dreamer's world there's always full moon day!!
Only she could she full moon even in new moon day not because she got her screw loose,
it because our dreamer always wanted her bestie's presence over her.
Along with our dreamer her mischievous too grown up.
Each every day she found a way to be mischievous.
Her parents come to her school and answer for her mischievousness when she was busy thinking about what she could do next mischievously!!
In 9th class she thrown a paper written with "I LOVE YOU" on a boy who would sit before her and her friend Natasha.
When he turn around them our dreamer asked Natasha why you did that? That's it!!
That boy already has feelings for Natasha this made him to fall for her more.
When Natasha busy with explaining him that she didn't do that madhu went for her next mischievous.
In 10th class when madhu and her friends got bored of their school classes that day that made a plan and shouted as chorus as "SNAKE" by showing the imaginary snake's way with her teacher which made the school management to announce that day as holiday to search the imaginary snake with the help of Animal Welfare Department!
Next day when her teacher asked madhu whether she really saw a snake all our dreamer could say was "Maybe I'd mistaken the roots of a tree as a snake Ma'am"!
and went to her football practice.
Yeah our dreamer loves football a lot.

Mischievous Continues.....

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