Kidnapped By a Werewolf

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(Lydia's POV)

I'm Lydia Palmer.

I am seventeen years old and I live with my mum and dad. They aren't around much so I don't see a lot of them.

I go to Brunswick high school and I love art. I have been described as antisocial and shy, as I don't have many friends. Let me rephrase that. I have no friends. None, zip, nada.

I have long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin and i'm a bit meaty on my bones, due to my love of ice-cream. So anyways now to the present-

I was walking down the street heading to the mall and I was about to enter my favourite shop when someone knocked into me and I tripped over.

I looked up and flinched. Amber. Amber is one of the meanest people in the school, and she has taken a liking to teasing and tormenting me.

Amber sneered down at me. I grunted in response and lifted myself up.

"What's your problem?" I said glaring at her. She sneered. "You are my problem."

"Look just leave me alone" I said and tried to walk away but she grabbed a hold of my sleeve and pulled me back. I looked around, seeing a few people stare at us.

She pulled me towards her and got up in my face.

"Look you b*tch," she hissed at me and I felt spit fly onto my face. "I can do whatever I wan't because your too weak to do anything about it." She pushed me backwards and I caught myself before I fell over. Again.

She smiled at me. "Now go eat your ice-cream fatty," with that she walked away.

I held the tears in and walked into my safe place. The ice-cream shop.

This is where I come to get away from life.


I got in my green jeep and started the engine.

I pulled out of my car spot and rolled down my window.

The fresh air helped to clear my mind and I remembered that my parents weren't going to be home until late tonight. They were at my nan's or something.

I pulled into the right lane and drove for about five minutes before I hit a red light.

Coming to a stop I turn my radio up and hear 'downtown' by Macklemore. I begin to sing along when I hear another car pull up beside me. I look over and see two figures, its too dark to see what they look like but I can tell they're guys, from their muscled builds.

Turning forwards again I look and see that the lights have turned green and I drive off.


(Alaric's POV)

I'm Alaric Hunt. I'm 20 years old and Alpha of the Shadow pack. Oh and I'm a werewolf.

"Alaric, the elders are saying that we have to show force. Rogues are becoming more frequent and we need to act now." My Beta Seth argued with me.

"I know. But we need a better plan than just killing them all." I said, and stopped at the red light. Seth gave me a look and I knew what it meant.

"I know you, and killing all of the rogues wouldn't matter to you," he explained and said some other stuff I couldn't quite hear as my wolf was taking over my head.

Mate! My wolf yelled.

I breathed in deeply and smelt the intoxicating smell of lime and daisies. Yum.

I looked out my window and tried to see who the owner of the delicious smell was but in an instant the car next to us sped away.

I was so happy. My mate that I had been looking for since I turned 15 was here.

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