Kidnapped by a Werewolf.3

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After Alaric changed back into his human self I just stood paralyzed by shock.

"Lydia a-are you ok?" Alaric says and hesitantly holds out his hand. I take it and instantly feel calmer.

"Yep. But um what exactly is a mate?" I say shakily, not really wanting to hear what he has to say.

"A mate is someone who is made exactly for you. Someone who is the other half of you soul. They're you soulmate, hence the name mate. A werewolf only has one and they usually spend the early years of their lives just looking for their mate. You know who your mate is after you turn 15. Many people don't have mates and they just end up marrying another wolf in the pack. Your mate can calm you instantly, they have a power over you and you can't do anything to hurt them." He says and then gives me the most dazzling smile.

"And your mine!" he says and hugs me again.

"Oh, ok. But I'm human so how does that work?" I say. He looks to Seth and Seth grins at me like a cat. Oh no this can't be good. Why can't I just be a normal person.

"Um, well you see usually when you find your mate they begin to, um how do I say it. They begin to transform and um turn into a werewolf." He says sheepishly and I can feel the expression of shock on my face.

"You mean I'm going to turn into a werewolf?" I say hesitantly.

"Yeah." They all reply. I take a step back and then ask the question I've been to scared to ask.

"What will happen to me?"

"Well since I'm the alpha of the Shadow Pack you will become my Luna. The actual transformation isn't painful. At first you will notice that your faster and stronger, then you will be able to hear and see better. You will transform into a wolf on the full moon and then anytime you want after that." He says.

"Wait your an Alpha?" I ask. "Yep" he says and smiles, holding his head up higher.

"Where is everyone in you pack then?" "I thought I'd better give you a few days to adjust before you meet all of them" he says and shrugs. "Well this is my beta, Seth and my third in command Tyler." he says pointing to the blonde as Seth and the Black haired one, Tyler. I give them a wave and when the room is silent my stomach decides that it want's to make the most horrible sound. It grumbles and I realize that I haven't in fact had anything to eat since last night. The room fills with the laughter of the three guys and soon I join in.

I know I should be scared and trying to escape but to be honest, this life is better than the life I'd left.

"Come on, lets get something to eat," Alaric says and we all make our way to the kitchen.

Seth, Tyler and I sit down at the counter and Alaric begins to take ingredients out of the cupboard.

"Aren't you going to make us something?" Seth says to me and I reply with a laugh "not unless you like burnt food and want to start a kitchen fire." They all laugh and Alaric starts to make pancakes. While he is cooking, I ask Seth if he want's to play a game with me and he agrees.

I put my hands out and hold them together in front of me and he does the same. then I begin to tell him how to play slaps. i go first and I hit his hands really hard before he has the chance to move. I do it again three more times before he evades on of my slaps and it's his turn. He hits my hand really fast and my eyes sting from the impact. God he was strong. The next round he slaps my hand so hard it leaves a red print. All the while Alaric is making breaky and Tyler is silently laughing at us. Just as Alaric walks past us to get the maple syrup Seth hits me the hardest and while I like to think I'm pretty tolerant of pain that slap stung like a b*tch. I yelped and grabbed my hand back right before Alaric grabs Seth and pins him against the wall.

"Mine. You hurt her!" Alaric yells at Seth, the golden yellow of his eyes pinning Seth with a stare.

"Alaric stop, it's ok! We were just plain a game, I'm fine." I yell trying to get him to loosen his choke hold on poor Seth.

"Don't hurt her ever again. She is your Luna!" he yells and lets Seth go.

Seth falls to the floor while I'm pulled into a strong embrace. Alaric nuzzles his head into my neck and I can feel all of the tension begin to fall away from him.

He lets me go and I walk over to Seth and kneel down. "Are you ok?" I ask. And he nods. I get back up and see Alaric swearing and fanning a cloud of black smoke away from the stove top.

"Well it looks like I'm not the only bad cook!" I yell and he turns around to glare at me.

A/N- Hey Guys!

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Picture of Alaric on the side

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