Kidnapped by a werewolf.4

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The next morning I wake up on something warm. I snuggle a bit closer and inhale deeply, woodsy smell? Why does that smell familiar?
Then I shoot up out of bed knocking the covers off me and the warm thing next to me.
"Alaric! What are you doing in my bed!" I shout
Alaric mumbles something and then flips over, and continues to snore.
I jump onto the bed and pull the covers off Alaric, he grunts and I see goosebumps appear on his body but he keeps his eyes closed.
It's not until I look down at him that I realise why he's cold. He has only boxers on and someone is a little bit cold!
I scream and jump off, covering my eyes and walking into the bathroom.
"Alaric! Get out!" I shout.
I wait for a reply but of course there is none. I decide to give him some time to move so I jump in the shower, brush my teeth and wrap a towel around me.
I go over to the door and listen to the other side. Silence. No snores, that must mean Alaric left.
I quickly open the door and come face to face with Alaric.
I jump back, clutching to my towel like a vice and say
"Bloody hell! Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry babe, I could hear you in the shower and I was going to come join you but.." He replied and left the sentence hanging.
"Oh well don't do it again!" I lamely reply, inside my mind is swimming with thoughts.
Could he actually hear me in the shower? I sing pretty quiet? How embarrassing!
"Ok I'm going to go down and talk to Seth about something get dressed I'll make breakfast" he says then adds
"Oh and make sure you wear something that covers up a bit more, I don't want anyone seeing what's mine" and with that he pecks me on the cheek and leaves out the door.
After getting changed into a pair of jeans with a rip in the knee, a light knitted sweater and my converse, I brushed my hair put some makeup on and went downstairs.
Before I got to the kitchen I could hear a bunch of loud voices coming from the dining room. I go and investigate.
Stealthily creeping towards the dining room door I peer around the corner into the room.
Alaric is standing along with Seth and Dylan and two other guys I haven't seen before.
The new guys are big, massive guys with arms the size of tree trunks!
As I gape at them I don't realise that everyone has noticed my presence until someone clears their throat.
That someone is Alaric.
I quickly jump my eyes from the massive guys to Alaric. His eyes seemed to have changed colour from the blue ocean to a rugged sea storm.
I unintentionally step back and Alaric must have noticed this as his gaze softens and he smiles at me.
"Babe, come over and meet the guys" he says and motions me over.
I awkwardly walk into the room partly embarrassed as to being caught ears dropping on them.
As I get closer to the group I realise that the massive guys are actually even bigger up close. They look at me like I'm some sort of little puppy lost on the street. With adoration and protection.
"This is Clay and Jason, they are our packs best and strongest protectors and I'm giving them the job of looking out for you!" Alaric says, I nod Until his words catch up to me.
"What do you mean look out for me? I can look after myself thank you very much!" I say, and stand a little taller. There is no way I'm being guarded like some princess. No way!
"No it's just for today. It would usually only be me taking care of you but today I have to introduce you to the pack and we may need an extra bit of help. That's why we have these guys." He motions to clay and Jason, they both nod in my direction, and I smile. They seem nice enough.
"Did you say I was meeting your pack today?" I ask
"Yep! Don't worry I'll be here the whole time, no one will come near you!" He says "besides they will all love you!"
I nod and think "yeah sure a pack of werewolves are going to love a human, they will probably be planning to make me their dinner!"

Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't updated for a while! But I'm back on track again! This chapter is a bit short, but I will make up for it!
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Picture of Seth on the side. X

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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