Airsoft - Smithy

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Trott actually wants to come out and do something with me other than video games. What should we do tho, ehhh. C'mon think of something, anything.

"Do you wanna come and try Airsofting, it's really fun. Just like video games but you actually get to run around." He looks at me with his fringe just covering his right eye. I'm not sure if he'll want to come but I'm surprised when he agrees to come. I'm buzzed, this is going to be great.

"Can I just quickly finish this Trials track and then we can go." Why is he such an adorable nerd, I look at his walrusey face as he tryhards the entire map making practically zero faults. He bites his lip slightly as he crosses the finally red light turning it green.

"Yesss," he exclaims, as he chucks down his controller. "that has to have been a record or something!" He looks up at me and catches me smiling at him. I immediately stop and turn away towards the door.

"Trout, lets go. Move your fat walrus arse off that seat before I shove you and the chair over." I look at him sniggering. He gets up making his way towards me and the door, when I get a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach, like a billion butterflies having a freaking rave or something. Its so strong I feel like I'm going to faint, my head feels like it's filling with clouds and there's Trott, cute little tiny walrus, salmon boy.

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