Chris Trott Error- Smithy

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I rubbed my eyes, blinking rapidly trying to make the blackness become actual images. Blurred images of moppy brown hair appeared before me, before I felt a soft but firm hand on my arm giving me support. A buzzing noise came to my ears, which slowly turned into muffled voices.
"Alex, Alex?" A faint panicked voice called. "Please tell me he's okay."
"Heyyy buddy." I laughed at him but could still barely make out his facial features. I reached out to touch his hair to see if I was just imaging him being there but accidently poked him in the eye.
"Oww, what was that for?!"
"Woops, haha. My bad. Classic Chris Trott Error." I laughed, guess that made him not a figment of my imagination.
"Whatcha mean, you poked me. Surely that was an Alex Smith error?" He softly laughed at me. How his laugh made me feel so much better.
"Your face shouldn't have been there, you slimey prick!" I yelled in my jokingly angry voice. As I said it his face finally came into focus and I realised his hand was still on my arm, but somehow it felt comforting having him so close.
"Alex, you're awake! Finally I can go home." Kim said in her sarcastic tone, giggling as she came in through the door. Duncan following.
"What happened anyway?" I ask, pushing myself up, into a sitting position onto the yellow beanbag; knocking Chris's arm off in the process.
"I dunno mate, you kinda just passed out." Chris shrugged, the others nodding. "Anyways, Kim, Duncan. You guys can go home now it is already." Chris pauses checking his phone. "23:43. Holy Shit it's late!"
"Fine by me." Kim says opening the door again and walking out.
"Bye guys." Duncan says in his cute happy voice before bumbling out after Kim, leaving Chris and Alex alone again.

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