August 24

71 2 1

Last night was so epic! Julia is actually going to be in most of my classes, and she'll be staying with us until her parents can afford a house here. So, I have one of my favorite cousins coming to my school...............YES!!!!!!!

Julia and I were doing stuff Brianna is probably over with by now. We watched a bunch of random Youtube videos on my laptop, which I happened to get right before school started. :D They weren't actually funny, but we laughed, anyway. After that, we started building a fort in the middle of the living room. My mom actually came in after it was done to see what we were doing. I'm surprised she let us keep it up. After that, we had a movie marathon. A few movies we cried at, a few we laughed at, and there was one we screamed at. But Julia must have seen the movie before, because when it was getting really freaky, she started throwing popcorn at me. We had a popcorn war! That kinda made me wish Chloe and Zoey were here, too. :( But it was still fun. :)

This morning, Julia played a song at full volume on her phone to wake me up. It worked. "What time is it?!" I asked, a little annoyed. "Seven o'clock," she said, turning off the song. I got out of bed and saw that she was ready. I needed to get dressed, but didn't want her watching. She must've read my mind, because she walked out of the room. She seems amazing, and it's only been 12 hours! :D

I got to school with Julia, and she seems just as freaked out by my dad's exterminator vehicle as I usually am. Violet and Theo saw us, and they seemed really curious about who my cousin was. "Hey Nikki. Who's this?" Theo asked, pointing at Julia. "I'm Julia. Happy to make your acquaintance," Julia said, bowing. Violet and Theo laughed. We all walked into the school, but, unlike outside when it was just Violet and Theo, the place was crowded, and Julia stuck to my side like glue.

Once we entered the classroom, Chloe, Zoey, and Mackenzie were gossiping amongst themselves. When they saw me, they glared. I swear, if Julia isn't psychic, then she's really good at guessing, cause she literally walked over to where they were at and said, "Who you glaring at?" "Nikki, duh," Zoey said. "Why?" Julia said. "Because she hurt us!" Chloe said. "How??" Julia said. I swear, that girl changes every time she enters a room. "Because......because......" Chloe said. Both Chloe and Zoey actually looked stumped. Wow, Julia is good! "Exactly, so stop glaring at my cousin!" Julia said, walking up to the teacher's desk, probably to tell her that she was new. I sat down, ignoring the glares from the other side of the room. "Class," the teacher said. "I'd like you to meet Julia." Julia waved and said, "Hello fellow people! I'm Julia, and I've come from Washington D.C!" The teacher told Julia to sit down, so she did, which the only empty seat was next to me. Yes!! And she was just as excited as I was.

Class was alright, except Chloe, Zoey, and Mackenzie kept glaring at the both of us the entire time. I couldn't help but get the feeling brandon was looking at me the entire time, though. Once the bell rang, we ran off to our next class. The three other classes went the same way. Finally, lunch came. "So, does your school have a salad bar?" she asked. I pointed to the salad bar, and she walked over. She came back looking a little mad. "Guess it's only for high schoolers." she said. Well, that sucks. "we went over and sat with Violet and Theo. They were talking about technology, or something like that. I wasn't paying attention, but Julia jumped right into the conversation. Yeah, I think we'll both make it through this year. :) Hopefully. :( :)

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