Part 1 of 1

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story inspired by fallout boy jet pack blues

he was driving home on the last stretch of highway his eyelids drooped as he stares at the white highway lines, one after the other a dull ringing starts at the back of his skull he wanted so desperatly to get home. it was only a little further but his body was desperate for sleep. Then it began to rain a curtain of water washed over the windshield blocking out all the noise of the city, nothing but the pounding of rain lulling him to sleep. Thats when his phone rang. The obnoxious chirrping ring tone made his eyes snap open and he fumbled around his pockets until he located his cell phone. It was illuminated with a bright smiling face of his girlfriend he smiled lazily as he hit the 'answer button'.

" hey baby im almost home I'll be there in like ten minutes." the tiredess in his voice could easily be heard and he stiffled a yawn.

" oh really!thats awesome but honey you sound exausted are you okay? " he could sense the worry laced in her tone he tried to sound more awake.

"yeah, yeah im fine im actually just hitting the city limits now. So no worries"

" okay baby just come home safe, Ill see you soon." he said goodbye and hung up and ran a hand down his face, if he could just stay awake a bit longer hed be fine. The rain still pounded on the windshield obscuring the veiw the city was practically dead at this hour. But now with the absence of her voice the car became offly quite, the ringing in his ears started to get louder almost violent. He tries to wake up his brain think about anything but the stretch of road ahead of him. He flicks on the radio a slow blues song he smiles, knowing its one of her favorite songs. His eyes slide closed and thats how he didn't notice the on coming headlights.

The last thing he remembers is a blaring horn and then nothing but black.

She was sitting in the living room waiting patiently for her boyfriend to come back from his week long trip. She has tried to calm her jitters with a cup of tea but she couldnt stop staring out the window waiting for headlights to pull in the driveway, even as the rain pours down the glass. Even though she had just called him she already missed his voice wanted him home sooner, thats when she saw headlights pull up in the driveway. She was already half out the door she pulled on her raincoat simple long and black, he had picked it out for her. she races down the front steps a smile on her face when she realizes it isnt her boyfriends car, but a police car and instead of a beaming boyfriend to swoop her in his arms, its an elderly police officer his hat in is hands even as the rain poured down his face.

she felt like her head was suddenly filled with cotten but at the same time thoughts ran through her head a million miles a minute. She hoped anything but what her head was screaming at her but when. the officer muttered "im sorry miss..." her knees gave out her heart felt like it was breaking in a million pieces tears streamed down her face as she looked at the officers face for any hope.

" he had a head on collision just a few blocks from here on Jet street" she knew where that was they would walk the dog there together, there was a cafe where they would have stupid ridiculous named coffe together. She did the only thing her brain was screaming she ran.

She ran all the way to Jet street her lungs burned and water soaked her shoes rain poured down her face as she took in the wreckage in front of her and in the middle of it her boyfriends car, or what was left of it. she spots an ambulance and runs toward it. They were just putting in a gurney with not a dying patient but a body bag unzipped just far enough for her to see her boyfriend. she remembers hearing an ungodly screech she didnt realize at the time that it was hers. she runs to him fighting off the hands trying to hold her back screaming about her boyfriend she unzips the bag and pulls him to her, his lips were already turning blue her tears fall on his hair mixed with the rain that pours around them. She looks at his face all she feels is the love she has for him, she never wanted to be alone, without him. She never felt this much love for anyone and it tore her apart her heart was shattering. She presses her face to his neck sobbing " baby come home" in a melody of tears while the rhythm of the rain keeps time.

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