Entry Ten

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Entry Ten

Sunday Dinner:

I woke up bright and early this morning. I was just so nervous and excited about Brian coming over that I could not possibly sleep any longer. Plus, I needed to clean my room, shower, and figure out what to wear today. I hate to admit it, but I am not the neatest person when it comes to my room. I mean, it isn't dirty, but I tend to leave my stuff thrown everywhere instead of "putting things in their proper place" as my mother would say.

So, I made my room immaculate, then took a shower, and as I was walking back to my room, I happened to look in Megan's room. Holy crap! I thought my room was messy! Her room was not just disorganized; it looked like a pack of wild animals had made it their home. She had clothes everywhere (I don't know how she could tell what was clean and what was dirty). But it wasn't only clothes, she also had old water bottles and Coke cans, and something that looked like a science experiment on the desk.

I went to my room to get dressed really quick and then go find Megan to have her do something with her room.

I would be totally mortified if Brian saw it on his way to the bathroom!

When I found Megan, she was sitting in the den watching TV. You will not even believe what she was wearing. I mean sometimes I think that she dresses like this just to make my eye twitch; no one would really think that wearing a purple dress with plaid shorts underneath looks good.

The plaid did not even have a stitch of purple in it! They were blue and green... I am not kidding! Her bangs were plastered to the side of her head, and her hair was sticking up in wild tufts all over her head.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Megan," I yelled at her, "Why are you watching TV when your room looks like a pig's palace, and you look as if you got dressed in the dark? Was your hair done by electric shock?"

Megan jumped up out of the chair and yelled back, "Who do you think you are? You are not Mom! You think just because Mr. Wonderful is coming over, you can walk around acting all psycho? Well, I do not have to listen to you! I will go roll around in the mud before he gets here if I want to, and you can't do anything about it!"

With that, she stomped out of the room.

I went to find my mom to see if she could talk some sense into Pig Pen.

The rest of the day seemed to go by horribly slow. It felt as if dinnertime would never get here. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I was not thrilled to have Brian hanging out with my family, but I really wanted to see him and get to spend more time with him. Mom was making chicken fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread, green beans, a salad, and tiramisu for dessert.

Mom had Megan clean out her room and brush her hair, but she believes in individuality and said Megan can wear what she wants. At least I won half the battle.

Megan is totally furious with me now! I am sure she will get over it eventually.

I helped Mom with dinner while I waited for Brian to arrive. I had mad amounts of butterflies in my stomach and felt a little jittery. I kept watching the clock. He was supposed to be at the house at 4 and it was 4:30, so I was getting worried. I decided to go check my phone to see if he had called and said he was going to be late, but when I checked the phone there was a text at 3:45 saying he was on his way. Weird! It only takes like 10 minutes for him to get to my house.

I decided to go out front to wait for him, and when I opened the door, I saw Brian, Megan, Mikey, and my dad all playing basketball in the driveway.

My stomach dropped at the sight of him and I got a big goofy grin on my face. I was happy that everyone had already met him, and they were playing a game outside; it meant that there was not going to be an awkward greeting with everyone standing in the doorway, staring and wondering what to say next.

I decided to let them have their time to get to know each other and to give me a chance to compose myself. Brian didn't need to see me nervous and grinning like an idiot. I went to look in on Monica, who was sitting in her room playing with her dollhouse. She was listening to Radio Disney and playing quietly by herself, so I decided to sneak back out and help Mom finish up dinner.

We heard everyone coming back in the house, laughing and ribbing each other. I heard Dad say something to Brian about showing him his shotgun later (He does not have a shotgun... Such a lame dad thing to say), and Brian laughed. They all walked into the kitchen, and Mom told them to wash their hands. Then she walked over and introduced herself to Brian.

Dinner was actually more fun than I thought it would be. Everyone seemed to really like Brian. Mikey did ask Brian why he would want to go out with me, since I am such a diva, but Brian just laughed and said that he thought I was nice and funny and a lot of fun to hang out with, to which Mikey replied, "Better you than me!" Other than that there was a lot of talking and laughing and, although my parents did ask Brian questions about his family, sports, and grades, they didn't grill him too badly. After dinner, we all went out back to sit, have dessert, and watch the fireflies.

After we talked for a while, Mom and Dad took the other kids inside (Of course, Dad said he would be watching us), and Brian and I walked over to sit on the bench and talk.

It was the best conversation I have ever had! We just sat there, facing each other and holding hands... Talking about our lives and our hopes and dreams. He told me how he hopes to get a sports scholarship to the University of Michigan, and that he would eventually like to be a coach at the college level. He doesn't care what he coaches, but would most like to be a swim coach. He has been swimming since he was two years old and loves the feeling of racing through the water.

I told him that I would love to be a fashion designer or interior decorator, and that I hope to move to some place warm. I like the snow, but don't know if I want to stay in Michigan my whole life.

We talked for about an hour and then Brian said that his mom would be picking him up soon, so we made our way back toward the house. When we got close to the door, I moved him to the side, so that we could not be seen from the window, and I pulled him toward me by his shirt. When we were almost touching I reached up behind his head and pulled him down toward me, right before our lips touched, I saw him smile (The butterflies were back and fluttering wildly!).

Suddenly, we heard someone scream; it was Megan. Mom and Dad ran out to see what was going on, and Mikey and Monica came out right behind them. Brian and I quickly jumped apart, trying to pretend that we weren't just about to share an amazing moment. Megan and Mikey started laughing hysterically, easing the tension, and Monica walked up, grabbed Brian's leg, and asked what was so funny.

Embarrassed, Brian said, "My mom says she's in the driveway," and walked back through the house. I ran and caught up to him and gave him a quick hug and said how sorry I was that my family embarrassed us and how glad I was that he had come over.

He just smiled and said, "Don't worry about it! I had an awesome time, your family is great! I hope your parents aren't mad! See you tomorrow."

He got into the front seat of his mom's car, and I watched them go down the street until the taillights disappeared into the darkness. What did I tell you? Other than the disrupted kiss, it was a totally amazing date!

My parents gave me a short sermon about "behaving appropriately in front of my brother and sisters," but they also said that they really liked Brian. He was polite and friendly and got along great with everyone! Megan said he was "totally cut" Mikey said he "knew how to play ball," and Monica said he was "nice."

We helped Mom clean up the kitchen. Megan still wouldn't talk to me directly. Whatever, at least she looked halfway normal!

I am going to sleep and dream of Brian; I cannot wait until tomorrow! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now