Entry Three

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Brian’s First Day of School:

            What a difference a day makes! I am going to pretend that today was the first day of school and yesterday was a just a bad dream! This is how my high school career really begins! My teachers still haven’t assigned real work, since it is only the second (first) day. So, we pretty much get to socialize in class, which is my favorite subject anyway! So, I was catching up with my friends and acquaintances in class, when who should happen to walk into my, oh so not my subject, Algebra class? BRIAN JACKSON!!! He looked fantastic! He walked in wearing t-shirt and cargo shorts (did I mention the shirt was blue? Am I good or what?) and had that cute smile of his flashing for all of the class to see. He looked like he grew taller over the summer and his skin was perfectly bronzed. He looked really fantastic, not like he had been sick at all! He walked in and spoke with the teacher and then walked to an empty seat toward the back.

On his way he passed me and said, “Hey, Missy!” (Maybe Missy isn’t sooo bad after all!).

I said hey back and flashed him my “Brian” smile, the one I have been practicing in the mirror, and then tried to pretend that I was not that interested and turned back to my conversation.

In reality I was smiling like a crazy person and glowing from the inside out! Not only did he talk to me, but he initiated the conversation. (Okay, maybe you can’t call it a conversation, but he did speak to me first!). The rest of the class was pretty uneventful, but still a great way to start my second (first) day of high school!

            The rest of the day was pretty boring. I went to class, ate lunch with Layla, and had to spend five minutes hiding in the bathroom when I saw my mom walking down the hall. I love my mom, but does she really have to teach at the school that I attend? How am I supposed to have a social life with my mom around? Plus, she teaches my friends. What if she listens in on their conversations and hears things that I don’t want her to know? It is hard to make yourself socially acceptable and I don’t need my mom screwing up my status. Anyway, after I got out of the bathroom and the coast was clear, I was heading to Lit when I saw Jess. This time she was walking alone and had her head down, so I hurried to catch up with her.

I said, “Jess, what is going on? Why are you not talking to me? What happened?”

She looked up at me and her eyes looked really sad for a minute. Then she got this mean look on her face and told me to leave her alone. She said, “I outgrew you over the summer. I am interested in things that are beyond your little imagination. Just go away and find someone who thinks fashion and boys are the most important things in the world.”

Then she turned and walked in the other direction. What is going on? I don’t understand why she changed so much and why she seems to hate me all of a sudden. We have been friends for like our whole lives and have helped each other through everything.

When I got to Lit, Layla asked me what was wrong. I told her what had happened with Jess and she said, “Don’t worry about what that freak says! She is going to have a lonely and miserable year and we are going to be totally popular and hang with everyone who matters. This is going to be an epic year and she is not going to fit in with us now anyway. Just focus on getting to know Brian! Hey, I am going to get a big group together to go to the football game on Friday night, do you want to go?”

I said I would talk to my parents to see if I could go. Of course I want to, but I didn’t like the way she talked about Jess. I didn’t say that last part out loud, but I thought it. I still love Jess. She has always been my best friend and I am not just going to forget that and give up on her. I guess I just need to give her some time and try to figure out what happened!

            So, it was a great start to the day, with the bad part in the middle, but ended up being a good day overall and I didn’t trip and fall on my face! No, Jimmy Rogers didn’t walk around with a bugger on his face all day (which would have been such a highlight to my day), but he didn’t say anything about my embarrassing incident either.

When I was headed to the bus I saw Brian getting on to one of the other buses and I caught his eye. I tried my best to be flirty from a distance and he gave me that head nod that boys do, where they look at you and thrust their head up. I don’t get why they do it, I mean why not just wave or smile, but I have to admit it made him look even sexier (if that is possible!).

            When I got home Mikey had obviously won today’s episode of “Who Gets to Sit at the Desk”, because he was there doing his homework and Megan was at the kitchen table doing hers.

I went over to ask Mikey about his day and he said something about soccer at recess and basketball during P.E… He is such a typical boy! Megan looked typically disheveled. I mean who wears green and yellow plaid shorts with a pink shirt? Is she color blind? Plus, it looks like she slept in the clothes last night and then wore them to school today. Megan could be a really pretty girl if she just put forth a little effort! Her hair is as long as mine (to the middle of my back) and is dark brown, whereas mine is sandier. I keep mine soft and wavy and take a lot of pride in it. Megan’s looks like a rat holed up in it and made a nest for its litter (do you call a rat’s babies a litter? Who cares!).

I just don’t know how she can walk around looking like that. I asked her that same question, and she said, “Get over yourself Missy, you think you are so hot, when really you look like every other brainless preppy fashionbot. Maybe if you spent more time studying and less time brushing your hair, you would actually get grades that will get you into college and not cosmetology school!” I just walked away… my day was too good to get into a verbal war with the Pig Pen look alike!  The rest of the night went just like every other: make dinner, mom and Monica come home, Dad says, “Where is my beautiful family?”, and we say, “Here we are!”… blah, blah, blah. I went to my room after dinner and picked out what to wear tomorrow. I am thinking of my grey and pink tank top with this cute white skirt I have and white sandals. I will curl my hair tonight and then tomorrow it will be wavy and I can throw it back into a loose pony tail. With my silver hoop earrings and just light pretty makeup, I think it will look totally fantastic and maybe will turn the head of a certain football player. I need to talk to Layla about going to the football game on Thursday too! I know everyone will go to Friday’s game, but I really want to go to the JV game on Thursday, to see Brian play.

Hopefully he will see me there and it will show him what a sweet and supportive girl I am. I mean, is there any better trait in a girlfriend than one who is supportive of the things that you like to do? This is all a part of my master plan to make Brian see how great we would be together as a couple!

 I shot Layla a text asking if she would be able to go to both games, but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet. Her parents are like mine when it comes to cell phones. We cannot use them during dinner or homework and only until 9 o’clock on school nights. It almost seems like our parents got together and dreamed up ways that they could make us miserable! I mean, who goes to bed at 9 o’clock? It just seems a little extreme to me!

            Anyway, it was a good day and I am excited to go back to school tomorrow and see what happens! I plan to look totally hot and lure Brian into an actual conversation. I need to make plans with Layla to get our social season started and cement my reputation as a person that everyone should know! I plan to own my freshman year and have the best time!

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now