Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23:

I am your angel

(London’s p.o.v)

When we got back to Justin’s I was still in an upset mood, I can’t get like this not again. I walking into the house and went upstairs to Justin’s room. I grabbed my i-pod and laid down in his bed. I sighed and went through the songs until I came to until the day I die by story of a year, I smiled and blasted it. I roll on my side and closed my eyes. I was just lying there thinking, when I felt an arm go around my waist. I smiled and moved closer to him. Justin pulled out my ear bud.

Justin-“are you alright.” He whispered in my ear, I giggled because it tickled. I shook my head yes “no you are not.” I turned over and looked him in his eye.

Me-“Justin I am fine, I promise,” I kissed him. ”I love you” I rolled back over, and put the ear bud back in. I felt him move closer, he put his hand on my stomach and kissed my neck. I sighed and pulled out my ear buds and put my iPod on his side table.

Me-“you know my weakness is your kissed.” He shook his head, while he trailed up to my jaw. Then he laughed.

Justin-“that rhymed.” I shook my head and rolled over to face him.

Me-“just kiss me you dork.” I smiled and leaned in, he joined me half way. I could never get tired of this sparks that fly between us. Justin pulled me up from his bed, and carried me over to the closet, not breaking the kiss until he closed the door. “Why are we in here” he put his finger up to his lips, saying quiet. He put on music, and sat on the floor patting the spot beside him. I shrugged my shoulders and joined him.

Justin-“this is going to be our spot to hide from the world.” He smiled down at me. Does this boy know who much I love him?

Me-“okay, no one will know it’s our spot.” I put my head on his shoulder then he started to sing Never Let You Go.

Justin-“London?” I hmmed him. “Do you know that you are a true angel?” I looked up at him. I am not an angel, all the stuff I have done no way I am an angel.

Me-“Justin there is no way that I am an angel, sorry.”

Justin-“no, you are my angel, but are you going to let me be your angel?” I smiled up at him and kissed him.

Me-“you already are my angel.” I whispered into the kiss. He smiled, and laid me on my back. And gave me on last kiss before holding me in his arms, drifting off into sleep.


I looked around I saw a figure. I guess who it was.

Me-“Justin?” I yelled but the figure shook its head no. and started to walk toward me. He was wearing a black hoodie covering most of his face.

??-“be careful London, and know that I’ll always love you.” The started figure walked away.

Me-“wait who are you.” He stopped and turn toward me with a smile on his face.

??-“I am your angel.” Then he disappeared into thin air. Then everything went black.

****end of dream****

Let me Be your Angel. (justin bieber) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now