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   Mephisto boringly looked down at the paperwork on his desk. Sighing, he pushed the mounds of work away to the side and kicked up his feet on the desk, leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his desk. His dull eyes gazed upwards, vision blurring as he dazed off into a state slumber.

Barely three snores in, Mephisto jolted up in shock from a loud bang. The crash was loud enough to send vibrations up his spines and send the top papers of the stacks flying into the air. His eyes quickly scanned the room until he locked onto a familiar face standing in the doorway, an eye patch in their hand that they used to push against the door to keep it open. Tears stained transparent ran down the right side of their face while tears of red streamed down the left, running over black smudges that were all over their face.

The intruder pressed their hand harder over their left eye as they shook in pain, their breathing ragged. "Mephisto.." Their soft voice shaken. Slowly they removed their blood stained hand away from their face. Stepping forward, the door steadily shut and they eye patch fell to the floor. "What..." They mumbled while continued to stumble, pointing to their eye. "What is this?"

Rin was dozing off in class again, leaning back in his chair like usual. "Maaaan~" He mumbled with a sour look. "Yamiko is never coming back, is she?" He complained. Shiemi looked over to Rin, her features sagging. "Yeah.. She's been missing for almost a week now." The blonde signed.

From the back of the classroom Shima's voice filled the room, causing Mr.Okumura to stop his teachings in irritation. "Didn't you guys say you last saw her before she left the classroom? Then you heard a scream from the hallway and when you went to check she wasn't there?" Shima questioned, Rin nodded. "That's exactly what happened. She either runs like hell or disappeared without a trace." He said.

Most of the class continued to chat while Yukio's face filled with more irritation by the second.

"Will you shut up for once?" A bitter voice came from the left side of the room, everyone looking over to see Izumo glaring at them all. "I'm trying to learn." She spat then turned back to her notebook. A moment later everyone looked forward to see Yukio's eyebrows twitching while he forced a smirk. "And now back to the lesson.." He murmured.

The students poured out of the classroom, talking amongst themselves. Rather it was the topic of the class lesson, studies from different classes, or private life, somehow the male students managed to find themselves on the same topic: Yamiko.

"I bet she got kidnapped." Shima joked darkly, getting a negative reaction from his fellow classmates. "No, I doubt that. Mr.Okumura said himself it wasn't anything to worry about. After the first two days she was gone he said himself a few of the exorcists tried looking for her, but stopped after the Director said it was nothing to worry about and that Yamiko was fine." "Was-" Konekomaru pointed out as Bon talked in past tense. "I'm sure she still Is fine." The small student mentioned.

Rin and Shima laughed as Bon got scolded by Koneko.

"Speaking of Yamiko, doesn't that look like her right there?" Shima pointed out towards a silvery haired female stopped on the sidewalk on the bike, digging through a messenger bag. Her face wasn't turned to the crowd, so they couldn't be sure if it was her or not. "Well, she is wearing a red bow like Yamiko always does. But she isn't in a uniform, so I doubt it's her." Rin added.

And indeed this girl was not wearing a school uniform, but instead a pair a black shorts with a baggy white sweater that fell over the side of her right shoulder, topped off with black knee high leggings and red combat boots.

"Hey, she's turning around." Shima anxiously watched along with the others.

The girl lifted her head away from her bag and looked up, bangs sliding away from her face. A golden eye shined in the brightness of the sunlight, the other side of her face covered by a square patch over her eye.

"Holy shit.." Rin blinked in surprise. "I didn't think it'd actually be her." Rin spoke once more as he watched her start to peddle her bike. "Well, at least we know she's okay." Konekomaru said while watching her grow further away. "Hey! She's getting away!" Bon yelled then started running after the biker. "No way in hell I'm letting the new girl get away with missing a week a school without a good reason!" He shouted, being followed by the trio.

"Yamiko!" "Yamiko!" Yamiikoooo!" "Yamikooo!"

The four males called her name over and over until finally, what seemed after a half hour of running, she came to a stop. They rushed up to the girl within a minute, surrounding her on the bike, throwing questions every other second.

After 5 minutes of random questions and still not getting a response, they silenced themselves to see the dull and tired look of her face. "Yamiko?" Rin called and touched her shoulder. Slowly she looked over at him with a look that resembled a dead fish. No life or excitement what so ever was embedded on her face.

"What do you want?"  

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