Angel-- a buffy fan fic I don't own anything

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My name is Angel and I am in fresh man high school i do nothing wrong. I have honer classes and make stright grades. I have big a serect though. My mom is a slayer her name is buffy. I was named after my dad. My mom don't really want me around vampires but i love them and i think i love this one name spike. I know my mom saw him before and you think it would be weird but it's not, I mean that was years ago. Hey mom i said can i go with you on your partol tonight. no honey you may not. she said your going to stay here with dawn okay i said. It was going to be a long borning night with my aunt dawn. My aunt dawn walked in i have a night of games ahead of us she said. mom i said i really want to go to the partol  no she yelled your not going and she walked out. My aunt dawn and I played so many board games before i got sick of it. I took a shower and went to bed. i woke up the next day and went to school. I had history class with my best friend sara. Her mom was faith. Faith was a slayer to. my mom was so not fair. she has a whole part of her life she isn't letting me into. I told sara my mom is the same way. Sara and I can relate because both of our moms are slayers. I looked up at spike and I wondered if i could ever be with him. I would day dream about him. Mrs. summors mrs. summors my teacher yelled please woke up. the whole glass laughed. It was time to go home. I got in willow's car and she drove me home. Willow and xander were getting married. I get to be a brides made and my sister gets to be the made of honer. The wedding isn't for a couple weeks. We pulled up in the drive way. There was a moving van across the street i stoped in stared. It was a cute teenage boy named mike. Hey he said hey i said back then went inside.  I set on the sofa. We have new neibors I told my mother. I know they moved in today. oh okay i said. I fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up and it was seven oclock i went to make dinner. I slept the day away. Hey Angel Buffy said. we are going to let you go with us on a partol tonight. really yes i mean you are part vampire so im sure u can take care of your self. we all went out the back door. buffy, xander,giles, willow, my dad, spike and the rest of the scooby gang took me to thegrave yard.I stood in the cold as there vampires were attcking my sister. This is so cool and scary at the same time i thought to myself. All i could think about was how cute spike looked.  A vampire came from behind me and wraped his arm around me. I kick him and got him in his nuts and then i filped him over my shoulder and he went fltying in a tree breach and busted in to dust. Then it was time for us to go home. I'm tired i sit down then  We went home and went to bed I was taking out the trash when i heard a voice hey sweet checks. it was the guy from next door hey right back at you you know you shouldn't be out of your house this late yea i know i said. he leaned down to kiss me. i kissed him back. right when we were in the middle of kissing my mom walked out are you kidding me Angel Ann I can't beileve you would kiss a boy you just met. I-- don't just get in the house. I went inside but stayed by the door so i could hear. stay away from sister buffy said I looked around the coner and saw a vampire face on the boy next door. Wow I thought to my self i kissed a vampire. cool i said. guess what i caught angel doing  buffy looked at xander i taught lip smacking the next door vampire boy, wow xander said. i didnt know he was a vampire i said. well he was and you could of died. well im only 15 how am i suppose to live a life if i can't kiss aboy. you can kiss a boy just not a vampire boy. Im going to bed now i said okay good night. I think everybody esle went to sleep. Angel the dad walked in. Guess what your daugther did. she got caught making out with a boy, not just a boy a vampire boy in the back yard. I'll talk to her if u need me to Angel the dad said. okay buffy said. I was asleep in my bed I had a weird dream that woke me up. i went in to the bath room. took my clothes off took ashower and went to school. I went in to history and i saw sara tallking to her boyfriend, I walked over and sat down and my seat. Hey sis she said. Hey i said.  We had a math test today. When I got test i looked down at my paper and i got a c. Oh man i said. I got a C. I said 

I went home and saw my mom had left the house. I wonder where she is i thought to myself.  I saw that willow was on the sofa. I have waiting for you to get home. She said. Your sister went to find your dad. He is missing and has been for a week. What, but i just saw him i said. I was in shock. I know sweetie but we can't find him. Just then Xander walked in. Hey your guys wedding is in a week and dad is missing. yea well he was invited anyways willow said. We don't want vampires at our wedding, I mean just you of course but that's it. If your mom is not back in time for the wedding then she we will hold it off. okay i said. I walked in to my bed room. I was still in shock. I couldn't beileve that my dad was missing. I laid down on my bed I looked up at the ceiling. I stared deeply and i started day dreaming about spike. How cute he is and i image kissing him. Then my mother walk in her Angel she said. what are you doing? not much i said. Well get ready to fight because we are about to fight the battle of our life. your dad, Angel as been taken. Taken? what do you mean taken? i asked he's been taken away. my mom said. you mean like kid napped. no, well yes a powerful force has him trapped in another world. IT's the master and we need all the help we can get. Just then willow walked in buffy i need to talk to you. it's about Angel your daugther. I had a visson that she went evil and was going help kill angel. What? buffy said. well with her being part vampire part slayer we can't take any chances. I walk out. I heard the whole thing i said and I'm not evil and never will be. I said.

IT was a cold night and we were out at the grave yard again. We have allready killed 15 vampires. They for some reason are another wanted me dead I assume it has something to do with what willow said about me taking over the world. Im not going to take over the world i thought to myself. all tough if i tried i provally could because i am one of the strogest being half slayer half vampire, but i not going to though. The scbooy gang walked in. including giles who is older then dirt. I can't beileve my mom keeps him around. he's so old but that's just my opioin i guess. Buffy is taking me out to dinner for my birthday today, I will be sixteen and at my party is when im suppose to take over the world by making a wish. 

it's now my birtday party and they aren'having cake and when my birthday comes time for cake i will be the ruler of earth. my cake came out and i blew out the candles and said my wihs three times. I want to be a queen. I said it 3 times. Nothing happened so i went home and went to bed. When i woke up everyone was doing whatever i wanted. Hey may i get you anything my mother said. no thanks mom. oh call me buffy. she said. IT was so neat but scary at the same time. how am i going to fix this? what am i going to now? Will i make things worse or better?

Find out in the next chapter 

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