Is Anyone Sitting Here?

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Muchina was sitting by herself a recess, which, at the time, wasn't out of the ordinary. 

She wasn't really accepted by anyone and constantly picked on for one reason or another, her green beanie she always wore, the fact she had red hair, her heritage, her race, her name, her pale skin, her odd color combination of red hair and blue eyes, almost everything about her was 'alien' to most of the other kids.


Muchina snapped her head up to see Arron, Andre's brother, was running towards her. 

Muchina got up and bolted, running up the jungle gym in hopes she could escape down the slide, only to run into the second worst bully in the school, a boy named Phinox, as Arron closed in  behind her with his 'friend' Max A. (There are three, Max A(sshole), Max W(easle) and Max C(ray in the good way))

"W-What do you want?" Muchina whimpered. 

Arron strutted around a bit, smirking, his red contacts shimmering with evil intentions. 

"Well if it isn't Muchinus Ginjus in the flesh~" He cackled. 

"Please just leave me alone..." Muchina pleaded quietly. 

"What, you giving me rip? Did your parents just throw pots and pans down their stairs to name you?" Arron continued his assault. 

"P-Prease stop.." Muchina let her nervous habit of mispronouncing L shine through. 

"Aw, is the little Jap nervous~? Oh, rook at me, I rove raw fish and rike to take crack!" He made fun of her accent. 

Muchina stopped pleading, curling her hands into fists and lowering her head. 

"And not to mention she's a soulless Jap, to! And she has a weird creepy cat on her shirt!" Arron pointed to the Totoro illustration on her shirt. 

Muchina stayed silent, fists at her sides. 

"Jesus, is that hat ancient? It's so worn, you should throw it out--" Arron moved to grab it. 

That made Muchina blow her top. 


All went quiet. 

Muchina sat up on the rung of the railing and slid down to the ground, running into the building, crying. 

No one saw Muchina in her next hour. 

Nor the next one. 

She finally reamerged at Lunch, and sat alone, eating her home-packed meal as usual. 

Everyone stared as she unwrapped the sushi her dad had made for her lunch, and regarded her with disgust as she ate the raw seafood and rice with chopsticks. 

Someone walked past and 'accidentally' knocked over her drink, spilling it all over her and causing her to grab her lunch and walk outside to eat with her head down. 

Muchina sat at an outdoor bench, and finished eating. 

She was about to get up when a voice rang out. 

"...Is anybody sitting here?"

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