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Night came on quicker than usual, but it seemed like the Lost Boys and Peter were used to the changes already.

"How long has Hook been in charge?" Wendy asked.

"About a month now; things weren't so dire until about a few days ago," Peter explained, sitting up. "He has control of almost everything. Luckily, pirates are too stupid to find us here."

Wendy chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll be up for a little longer. I need to think this through."

"Can't stop ya," Peter said with a shrug and laid back down, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Tink sat on Wendy's shoulder, watching as Wendy drew in the sand surrounding the pond with her finger.

"I heard Hook talking to some guy around here. He didn't sound like he belonged here, but maybe that was my imagination." Wendy poked the sand, making a deep indentation. "Not too far from here. Hopefully Peter's right when he says they're too stupid to even check underwater."

Tink nodded and walked around on the little sand map Wendy had drawn out, examining the little landmarks.

"I don't know how to fix this, Tinker Bell," Wendy admitted, leaning back on her hands. "If I only knew where a hideout was, I could plan a strategic attack--if they would all follow directions, that is--and Neverland would be saved."

Tink sighed, a low, pessimistic jingling sound.

"I know." Wendy's head fell forward. "I can't believe this is even happening."

Tinker Bell examined the map over once again, then a thought came over her.

She used her foot to write the words I'll be back soon in the sand, then jumped in the pond before Wendy could protest.

Wendy ran a hand through her hair, wondering what in the world that pixie could be doing.

Tinker Bell flew high above Neverland, Wendy's poorly executed sand map giving her a sense of where Hook might be settling.

She swooped down when she heard the noise of working tools and singing pirates, which meant one thing: pirate camp. Temporary, so they'll be moving soon.

Tinker Bell landed in a tree close enough, peering through the leaves.

There sat Hook, sprawled on a throne. Smee stood at his side, catering to the Captain's every selfish need.

Tinker Bell face palmed as she scoured the area and saw the Jolly Roger. Of course Captain wouldn't leave his ship unattended, so he needed to stay by bodies of water.

That eliminates a good chunk of Neverland, but the whole perimeter is surrounded by water.

Tink pouted and crossed her arms, flying out of the tree.

"Aye! I see the pixie, Captain!" A pirate called, and Tink grimaced as she sped up.

"After her!" She heard Hook demand, and the roaring cry of pirates disturbed the night.

Shoot, can't lead them back to the cave, she thought, flying in the opposite direction, occasionally dodging bullets shot from down below.

To tease the pirates, she stuck out her tongue, then giggled as the lead pirate turned red in the face with anger.

For a little while longer--until she got bored of their futile attempt of Cat n Mouse--, Tink lead them the wrong way, then zipped back to the opening of the cave and flew in, swimming until she reached the surface of the pond.

Wendy scooped the little pixie out of the water and set her near the fire for Tinker Bell to warm up, but Tink had a story to tell, and, boy, did she want to tell it.

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