May 12th, 2013

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Dear friend,

Hello, I hope you are doing well. Okay, so today I was scrolling through my blog and saw a post I reblogged from the boy I like. The thing is that on Friday he told me that he likes me too, which made me really happy inside. But, anway I went of his blog and saw a picture that he posted of himself. It made me smile because I think he's really cute and I like him a lot. I don't know.. he's just super nice and he understands me and he listens to my problems and we talk a lot. Talking to him also makes me feel very happy inside because I know that actually wants to talk to me. You might find me talking about him a lot, just so you know. But the other day we talked on the phone for three hours just talking about jibberish and some important things that I might tell you later on. During those three hours is when he told me that he likes me too, and I got really happy and started to blush and he asked me what was the matter and I said nothing. When really I was just really happy that he told me that. I'm just afraid that he will stop liking me when I still like him. I also sometimes feel like I annoy him or bore him. It's probably just me, but I just feel that way all the time whenever I talk to him. 

I really hope I don't irritate him. I would feel really bad if I did. 

Love always, 


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