Fun and games

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"Wake up girl or you gonna be late." My dad pulled me off my bed laughing so hard he fell. When I woke up I felt whipped cream on my face, my dad always played pranks like that when I was a kid. " ughhh why would you do that" I yelled even tho I was happy on the inside. I went to the bathroom and washed up. A 15 teen year old isn't supposed to have whipped cream in their ears I thought. I put on my jean shorts ,gray crop top, and my all white nikes. When I came out the bathroom my dads eyes got wide he grabbed my shirt and yelled in my face. "What do you have on. You know what go to school. NOW FOR I KNOCK YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!!!!!!!" He stomped upstairs a tear ran down my face. I went outside and saw Justin waiting outside in his car. "Honesty what's wrong". " Nothing my dad tripping and stuff but he just came back so ... It's ok". I went to school as usual. I just couldn't keep my dad out of my head. Why would he yell at me like that? Why is he so mean? Why does he hate me? That last part was over doing it he doesn't hate me he's just no used to teenage me, he has been gone for 6 years. I read my English text book as I walked to my locker.

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