So my mom and dad were separated. My dad got a gf and basically cheated on her with my mom. My mom forgave him and never got the divorce, but my dad lived a few hours away from my mom so he stayed with this girl (bitchtits) for about 5-6 more months put on to the year and a half. I lived
Eleven hours from my dad, and got the choice to stay with my dad for the Times being out be with mom. I chose dad cause I didn't get to see him for a year.
Little did I know, that bitchtits was a prep in school that bullied the little goth kids. Me, being one of those kids was hard for her. When she was around my dad she was an angel. But around me she abused my mentally. She said shit I didn't deserve, but it led to me to believe her. I went to go with mom for the summer. Bitchtits found out and broke up with my dad while telling at my mom. It was terrible. She tried to get my mom by telling her she always fucked my dad, but it didn't hurt my mom. So she decided to go after me. She starting saying that I'm fucked up. Always will be. That in ugly and wasted space. So my dad said Get the fuck out and she left. Yay. I'm fucked up! *balls up and cries*