Universal Truth (Thriller)

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"Do you believe in God, Addison?"

Looking back on the incident with a clear mind was difficult for Addison but she would never forget the sickening uneasiness that came with this question.

"That's quite personal, don't you think?" she replied. The firearm that was strapped to her thigh grew heavier as the tension became stifling.

"It's a yes or no question," Matthew replied easily.

Addison merely shrugged. "I'm not sure."

The man leant forward, elbows on the table. They were oblivious to the conversations going on around them now as they stared each other down.

"What if I told you I held the secrets to the universe?"

Addison couldn't help herself. She scoffed. "I'd tell you that you were delusional."

Matthew merely smiled, a glint in his eyes. Without uttering a word, he held his hand out. Addison looked at it warily but decided to play along with his game. She placed her hand in his and waited.

For a moment, nothing happened. She was just about to laugh when suddenly, she felt a strange tugging sensation at the back of her mind. The restaurant fell away and she found herself drifting along in total darkness, the pressure of Matthew's hand the only thing tethering her to reality. Panic was rising in her throat as her eyes tried to adjust to the impossible void.

A sudden prick of light flickered on the horizon and then she was hurtling towards it at unimaginable speeds. The oddest feeling of enlightenment and truth came over her as she was shown imagine after image of the universe. Quasars, planets with life an stars as old as the Big Bang filled her mind. Their origins and formulae was revealed to her and she almost laughed in glee. Addison was being shown the Universal Truth and it was beautiful.

Her body came to a slowing halt as the light edged closer. Right before her eyes, Earth revealed itself, spinning gradually in space. Addison felt endearment and awe at viewing her home from afar.

Suddenly, Earth stopped its orbit and Addison watched as meteorite after meteorite hurtled through space and into Earth's surface. She was being shown images in her mind's eye of people being crushed, buildings in ruins and waves as tall as skyscrapers cleansing the Earth. There was so much death and destruction but Addison couldn't do anything but watch in horror. She realised that this was her future and she was powerless to stop it.

Matthew suddenly squeezed her hand and the experience was yanked away as soon as quickly as it had come. The restaurant was back into focus as well as the bustling noises of family conversations. Matthew looked at her in understanding and sympathy.

"T-that's going to happen, isn't it?" she asked shakily.

"Yes," Matthew replied. "And the world deserves to know."

Addison shook her head in disbelief. Was he mad? Nobody would belief him and if they did, there would be mass panic. The world would descend into chaos. Sometimes, ignorance really was bliss.

"You're crazy," Addison hissed. "A raving lunatic! What you're suggesting would be catastrophic."

"If we keep silent, we're all dead anyway!" Matthew exclaimed. "Is that what you want?"

The gun at Addison's thigh grew even heavier. This man was a threat, she decided. It was her job to protect the safety of dangerous information and Matthew was threatening her duty. She couldn't let him get away with this. Humanity wasn't ready for the truth she now possessed.

Shooting him would be easy. One squeeze of the trigger and BAM! Everything would be solved. Addison would be a hero, even if the world didn't know it.

"Addison, listen to me-" Matthew didn't get the chance to finish his sentence. The shot from the pistol reverberated around the restaurant as Addison held the warm weapon with shaking hands. The bullet had found Matthew's forehead and blood was trickling into his open eyes.

All around her, people screamed in panic, pushing towards the exit but Addison merely looked at the man she killed.

Had she done the right thing?

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