Getting to know you- Part 2

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I promise- Part 2
There was blood everywhere, covering Alfred's arms, his face, anywhere he could touch or see. He tried to stand, but felt too dizzy to move. He couldn't scream, that would cause the blood to flow into his mouth. So he sat there, hoping that someone would open the door and make the sea of blood flow out and away from him. The figure wouldn't help him, it never did. It just watched, waiting for him to drown. Then it would move, but not for help. For his sinking body. . .
Alfred shot upright, shuddering. Oh, it was just that nightmare again. It was terrible, he had that nightmare for days, ever since the day that he slit his wrists and Matthew found him. It always made him shudder, but he wasn't that afraid of seeing blood out in the real world. It was just the fact that it was a sea of blood, he always told himself. "I shouldn't be so afraid of a silly nightmare." He murmured to himself. He sighed as he looked at the clock. 7:38, it read. "I guess I should get up." Alfred told himself, pulling his legs out and onto the floor. He stretched and threw his used-to-be favorite shirt that had his used-to-be favorite phrase on the front. I'm the hero! It read. He sighed again as he threw on some jeans, not paying attention to anything except his thoughts. I think I'll go see that figure. He. . . Intrigues me, and I want to know more about him. Alfred thought, quickly thinking of an excuse to tell Matthew. Then he came out of his room, and he could smell pancakes, the Canadian's specialty. He walked into the kitchen, giving Matthew a smile, and sitting down. "Good morning, Mattie." Matthew gave a small nod. "Good morning, Alfred." Matthew didn't even turn around. "There." Matthew said, turning around with a heaping plateful of pancakes. Alfred could smell the blueberries the Canadian put in them. "Mmm. Blueberry pancakes. Smells delicious, Mattie." Matthew actually smiled at his brother. "I'm glad." He said, sitting down. He put two on his plate, poured a bit of maple syrup on it, and started eating. Alfred hesitated, then grabbed a few, he wasn't paying attention. Then as he was pouring maple syrup on it, he noticed Matthew staring at him. "What, Mattie?" He asked. Then he realized that he had grabbed a big stack of pancakes, and there was a lot of syrup over them. "Uh, oops." Matthew put a hand over his mouth, and was silently laughing. "Hey!" Alfred exclaimed, blushing. Matthew shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat, I guess." He then went back to eating. Alfred ate, not looking at his brother, still very embarrassed. "Well, I'm done." He said, picking his empty plate up and taking it to the sink. "Mattie, I'm going to go for a walk." Matthew glanced up at him, looking confused. "Uh, okay. Be back by dinner." He said, smiling. "I'll try." He said, starting to head towards the door. Matthew sighed and shook his head. "If it takes you till dinner to walk, then something's wrong." He murmured. Alfred didn't hear him, as he was already at the door. He thought quickly. "If you need me, I'll be at the sunflower field!" He called. Matthew frowned. "Sunflower field?" He asked. Alfred nodded. "Yes, the sunflower field behind that abandoned house." Matthew's frown deepened. "The one that's supposedly haunted?" Alfred shrugged. "I guess. I don't know much about it." He lied. He wanted to make Matthew feel better about the house, so he wouldn't suspect Alfred of any intentions other than good ones. Matthew sighed, and waved at Alfred, unenthusiastically. Alfred waved back, smiling, then shut the door behind him as he walked out. "Ah." He said, looking up into the clear and sunny sky. "Now, time to go see that figure." He said, determined. He walked leisurely, until he was out of sight of his house. Then he ran the rest of the way to the house in front of the sunflower field. He knocked on the door, and, when there was no answer, tried the door. It opened as easily as it had the day before. Instantly, he noticed a change in the smell. "It smells. . . like air freshener in here. . ." He murmured. He walked in and noticed that the chairs were all lined up under the table, there was a bouquet of flowers on the table, and the TV was on. . . "Football!" Alfred exclaimed, surprised. No one around his neighborhood liked football, at least the American kind. He walked over and was mesmerized by the running colors, until he remembered. "Right, I have to find out who that. . . Person is." He said, tearing his gaze away from the TV. He looked around the room one last time, then went on into the kitchen. He instantly looked to the counter on which there had been blood the day before. It was clean, and still wet from whatever had been used to clean it. He unknowingly smiled. He walked into the dining room and was instantly brought to attention to the man, spraying some air freshener and wiping down the table. Alfred waited by the doorway, and when the figure turned around, Alfred grinned at him. "Hey." He said. The figure stared at him. He had piercing lavender eyes, and some sort of platinum blond hair. The figure stared at him for a minute, then smiled back at Alfred. "You. . . You came back." He said, dumbstruck. "Of course." Alfred said, nodding. The figure gaped at Alfred one last time, then composed himself. "Would you like something to drink?" The figure asked. It had a deep accent that Alfred couldn't quite figure out. "Water, please." Alfred said. The man smiled. "Of course. Have a seat." He gestured to the table. Alfred nodded and set next to the head of the table. He glanced up at the man when he came back in, and gave a small smile as the man set his water down. The man took a seat next to Alfred and gave him a quizzical look. "You have a look of someone who wants answers, da?" He asked. Alfred nodded. "I would like to ask you some questions, yes." The man nodded. "Go ahead." Alfred said the first one on his mind, the most important one. "What's your name?" The man was taken aback by the American's sudden outburst, but quickly retained his composure. "Ivan. What is yours?" Alfred thought for a brief moment, wondering if he should give his name. Then, he figured there would be no harm done, so he went ahead with it anyway. "Alfred. What's your accent?" Ivan blinked twice before answering. "Russian. You are American, da?" Each time, Alfred's questions were answered, then thrown back at him to answer. Well, then we know the same about each other, I guess. Alfred thought. "Yeah, I am. . ." He was afraid to ask his next question. "Da?" The Russian asked. "You have more questions?" Alfred looked around nervously, then nodded. He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Why. . . Why do you live here? In this abandoned house? In the house where everyone says that people are sent to die?" He asked the questions in rapid succession and only took a breath after he had said them. Then, he looked at Ivan expectedly. Ivan gave a sad smile. "Well, my sisters and I used to live here together, when there was no neighborhood around here. My sisters moved out several years ago, and I stopped housekeeping. I just lived here, and people would come here and talk to me. . . Then they would ask me to help them to escape. . . The town, the state, the country. That sort of thing. My sisters used to come and visit, but they stopped. Now, no one comes here, except for the few people who want out. They never come back. No one dies here. They just leave. I wouldn't keep anyone here against their will. . ." He trailed off, and Alfred reached out a hand and put it on Ivan's shoulder. "I'm sorry Ivan." He said, with a sad smile. He felt pity for the Russian. He was just lonely, just like Alfred was. Then, suddenly, Ivan stood up. "I made hamburgers. I thought you might like them." Alfred smiled. Then he looked around for a clock. When he didn't see one, he pulled out his phone and stared at the time. 2:39 it read. It had been 11:19 when he had left. How had so much time gone by? He was confused but decided to ignore it. He was hungry, and there was hamburgers! He was so happy. For the next hour, they ate and talked about life. Alfred found out that Ivan grew everything he ate, he had his own garden of vegetables, his own cows, chickens, wheat, everything organic. Alfred was amazed. He had never known anyone to be so organic. He also found out that Ivan owned the sunflower field. "I have much spare time." The Russian said, smiling. "I love sunflowers, what can I say?" Ivan shrugged. After Alfred had learned so much about Ivan, Ivan wanted to know about Alfred. "Well. . . I, kinda, used to be. . ." He trailed off. "Suicidal." He barely whispered. Ivan was right next to him and heard. "Oh, I am so sorry, Alfred. You are not now, though?" Alfred shook his head. "That. . . That is why I came here in the first place. Now that I've met you and know you, I don't feel it anymore." Ivan smiled. "That is good, da?" Alfred smiled, nodded, and without thinking, grabbed Ivan's hand. He needed a friend, and was glad to talk to someone about his problems. Ivan made Alfred look up at him. Alfred was red, with tears running down his face. "I am here for you, Alfred." He said. Alfred nodded. "Thank you, Ivan." Ivan nodded. "Of course, Alfred."
That afternoon, around four, Alfred went home in a daze. He had found out so much, and Ivan knew his biggest secret. He felt stupid, and. . . Something else that he couldn't quite understand. When he came home, he didn't talk much, but Matthew didn't seem much in the mood for talking either. He hugged his brother good-night, and went up to bed. As he laid in his bed, he made a promise to himself. I will get Ivan out into the world. I will make people like him. We'll face the world together. I promise it. He swore. Then he stared at the ceiling, replaying that day's events, until he found himself dreaming of Ivan and himself, holding hands, laughing, crying, and facing the world. His last thought before he finally fell asleep was: I'll be the hero to someone. . . I'll save Ivan.
<Hi, guys~! I finally finished~ I love it! I've had the ideas in my head forever. I'm just glad my lazy self finally could do it. I'd like to dedicate this to my friend, Theawesomehero001. You wanted me to write more, well, I wrote more, my friend. Please give a star, comment and add to your reading list/library people~ Thanks for everything, and Thanks for Reading! Bye~!>

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