Falling for you-Part 3

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{WARNING: YAOI, well kinda. It's kissing, spoiler. There's also one curse word.}
Alfred shuddered, turning away from the cliff he was standing on. He shut his eyes rather tightly, but when he opened them, he was in a dark room. He let out a shaky breath. "Hello?" He said, his voice echoing back to him. There was no reply, but he could feel eyes watching him. He spun around, only to find a wall directly behind him. He turned back around, starting to walk in the direction of the hall. As he walked, he felt light, and he could see nothing but the dark grey of the walls around him. "Hello?" He tried again, but still got no reply. He bit his lip rather nervously, looking around and trying to see anything but the walls. Then he saw a shadow. 'Wait, did it move?' He wondered, watching it. Then, as he watched, it darted towards him, and he heard a shrill screaming.
Alfred woke up in a cold sweat. He sat upright and found himself breathing hard. He sighed, and tried to catch his breath. It was the first time that he had a different dream. It still contained a shadow. "I wonder what that shadow means." He said, out loud. He couldn't help thinking of Ivan when he thought of his dream. He shook his head lightly. 'It couldn't have anything to do with him.' He thought, laughing quietly. Finally, he kicked off the covers, and was about to pull on his sweatshirt when he decided he didn't want his shirt sticking to him. He was coated with sweat, and he wanted to cool off before he got hot from the sweatshirt sticking to his torso. He paced around his room, deciding what he was going to tell Matthew, about why he was going to go out today. He felt bad about keeping Ivan from Matthew, but he had no choice. Ivan had no desire to be known by the people in the town, especially since they seemed to be no friends of Alfred's. Ivan and Alfred had became close in the past few days, though they had only been talking for about a week now. Alfred had come up with an excuse everyday, usually either a walk or going to hang out with Gilbert. Unfortunately, Matthew had called Alfred's bluff on going to see Gilbert, as he had asked Gilbert a few days back when he had last seen Alfred, and he had answered honestly. A few weeks ago. That meant that every time he had used Gilbert as a reason was now blown. Matthew found it rather strange, Alfred going on a walk every day. Matthew knew his brother wasn't one for regular exercise, especially for that long. Alfred was often out for almost the whole day. He knew something was up, but Alfred hoped that Matthew wouldn't press. He headed downstairs and saw Matthew in the kitchen, on the phone. He quickly walked into the living room, hoping Matthew hadn't heard or seen him.
"I'm worried about him, Francis. Is there anything I can do?" Matthew asked. Alfred held his breath. That was why Matthew was on the phone, about Alfred. He couldn't hear the response, but he could imagine the Frenchman's reply.
"Oh, don't worry Matthew. Maybe you could send him to a counselor or something?" But he was surprised by his brother's response. "No, no. It's just that Alfred's been going out so much. Do you think Arthur said something to him again?" Alfred shook his head. What could Francis have told him? He sat on the couch, his lack of sleep suddenly hitting him. He had gone to bed late, due to fear of having the same nightmare. Then he had another sort of one that made him wake up early. Matthew would be surprised to see him awake. He felt himself dozing, until someone shook his shoulder. "Alfred, why are you out here if you're tired?" He shook his head slowly. "Sorry." He said, now wide awake. "I guess I'm more tired than I thought." He said, frowning and standing. Matthew gave him a sympathetic smile. "So, I talked to Francis..." Matthew started. "I'm not going to a counselor." Alfred said flatly, walking into the kitchen. "No, no! I'm not talking about a counselor!" Matthew held up his hands. "I was just wondering if Arthur had said something to you... About your weight... Or something?" Matthew looked uncomfortable and was looking at the floor. "I don't mean to pry, I mean-it is your life, but I don't want comments making you think you have to change..." Alfred threw his arms around his brother and hugged him. "No, I'm fine." He said, smiling. When he pulled away from his brother he found he was still smiling. Matthew smiled. "Could you tell me why you go out for a walk everyday, then?" Alfred shrugged, refusing to let his smile fall. "Because." He said simply, walking over to the table and sitting. "So, do you want me to make breakfast?" Matthew asked, now seeming to keep Alfred from shutting him out again. Alfred shrugged. "If you want to. I could always get a Pop-Tart, or go get McDonald's." He smiled up at Matthew, then looked down at his phone. He found himself wishing Ivan had a phone. Finally, he looked up, and saw Matthew sitting across from him, munching on a Pop-Tart. He had put an unopened silver package in front of Alfred. When Alfred gave him a questioning look, he simply shrugged. "I didn't figure since you didn't care, that you would care about having Pop-Tarts." He smiled, then took another bite of Pop-Tart. Alfred put his phone down, and grabbed the silver packet. He tore it open at the top and extracted the front one. He took a bite thinking of saving his second one. He found it finished, and almost pulled out the second before he was thinking. He stopped himself and folded the top over the opening. Matthew gave him a confused look. He tucked the packet into his jean pocket as he stood. "I think I'm going to go out." He said, heading for the door. "I'll be back in a bit." He said, opening the door and waving back to his brother. The Canadian waved back, smiling. "I'm going to call Francis and ask him to come over, if that's okay." He said, standing himself. Alfred nodded. "Okay. Have fun." "You too." Matthew said, grabbing the trash off the table and putting it in the trash-bin. Alfred walked out, closing the door behind him, and was suddenly reminded of a memory.
Alfred waited outside the school for his brother and suddenly felt someone grab his backpack. He turned around and saw what he had feared: the bullies. It was Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert. They were smirking at him. "So, what are you doing, Alfie?" Francis said, sneering. Alfred blinked a few times. He had never told anyone about his brother's 'childhood nickname,' how did they know about it? 'Unless they did something to Matthew.' He thought angrily. "No one calls me that!" He said, getting more and more angered the more he thought. Until he heard his brother's voice behind him. "A-Alfred?" His brother sounded scared. He turned away from the bullies and saw his brother. Matthew had bruises on his arms that he was trying to hide with one of Alfred's old jackets, a black eye that someone had tried to put makeup over, and his lip was swollen. "Matthew, what happened?" Alfred half-yelled, taking the jacket from the Canadian and putting it onto his brother. He was livid; he wanted to punch someone. He put the hood up on Matthew's jacket, then spun around to face the bullies again. "It's one thing for you to use me as a punching bag, but Matthew didn't do a damn thing to you." Alfred said, not even caring that he had cursed. He heard Matthew gasp, but he didn't say anything else. The bullies acted unafraid, they almost seemed to egg him on with their sneers, smirks, and petty insults. Alfred clenched his fists into tight balls, and was ready to throw a swing into their smug faces; to feel their noses crack under his knuckles... Then he felt Matthew's hand on his arm. "Al, let's go home." He said, calmly. Alfred was ready to shrug him off, but Matthew's grip was tight. Finally, Alfred blew out a breath. He grit his teeth and he turned around to face Matthew again. He had stopped crying, but he still looked sad. "Please... Just... Let's go home..."
Alfred blinked a few times in the bright and warm sunlight. He brushed a hand over his swept aside bangs, and then blew upward. He was walking leisurely to Ivan's house, he felt no need to rush. He rounded the corner, and saw the bright yellow sunflowers in Ivan's backyard. He smiled. He had to keep himself from running up and throwing open the front door. He knew Ivan wouldn't appreciate that. He got to the front door, but before he could knock, Ivan opened the door. "Alfred." He said his friend's name with such warmth that it made Alfred want to hug him. But, he didn't want to make it awkward, so he didn't. Ivan moved to let Alfred in, and Alfred blurted out the idea that had been in his head since he had seen the sunflowers again. "Why don't we go look at the sunflowers?" He said, then blushed. He felt his cheeks grow warm, but he didn't care. He wanted to ask Ivan something. "Would you like to help me tend them?" Ivan asked, his face a perfect mask of innocence. "I never thought you would like to help me, so I never asked." Ivan said, smiling. "I would love to help you." Alfred said, beaming at the Russian. Ivan walked to the dining room and threw open what appeared to be a side door. It led right onto the field of sunflowers. It was dazzling, one could hardly see with all the bright yellow flowers, and the bright sun. Ivan led him to a seemingly random row of sunflowers, and knelt down about halfway down the row. He gestured for Alfred to sit next to him. "You seem a bit on edge." Ivan said, placing a hand on the American's shoulder. Alfred bit his lip. "Maybe a little." He said, smiling at Ivan again. "But, I did want to ask you something." He said. "What?" Ivan asked. Alfred took a deep breath. "I was wondering why you never come outside." He said, his cheeks turning pink. That wasn't the exact question he wanted to ask, but he was too nervous at the moment to ask the one that kept bouncing in his head. Ivan laughed. "Well, I don't know, I guess I'm afraid of what people will think of me. Especially with what I've done." Alfred smiled. "Y'know, I could always introduce you to some people." "Not the people you dislike, I presume?" Ivan said, trying to keep from laughing. "Well, no, but maybe my brother." Alfred said, thinking about Matthew's reaction. He had to refrain from laughing at the possible looks on Matthew's face. Of course, first, he had to convince Ivan that it was a good idea. "Matthew?" Ivan asked, frowning. "Sure, why not?" Alfred asked. But then he thought of when he told Ivan about all the bad things that seemed to happen to him in life. He had spoke ill of Matthew only once or twice, but they had been considerable times. He frowned, thinking. "Alfred?" Alfred looked up at Ivan, and tilted his head sideways. It had sounded like Ivan wanted to say something else. "Do you... Like anyone?" Alfred's frown deepened. "Like, in what way?" Ivan was starting to look uncomfortable, much like Alfred had earlier. Wait, is he going to ask me what I think he is? Alfred though, his frown lessening. "Like, are you... Dating anyone, or something along those lines?" Alfred's frown melted and was replaced by a smile. "Are you trying to ask me out, Ivan?" He teased. Ivan looked almost mortified. He covered his face with his hands, then nodded. Alfred's smile turned to a grin. "Well, to answer your question, no, I'm not dating anyone. No one cares about me that much." Alfred said, hoping Ivan would take the hint. He did. "I do." Ivan said, moving his face from his hands. His face was so red, it looked like he had been sunburned. Ivan had traces of a smile, and it wasn't until Alfred leaned up to him and they became nose to nose, that he did smile. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Ivan closed the distance and kissed Alfred on the lips. Alfred was shocked for a few seconds, staring straight into Ivan's eyelids until he closed his eyes and kissed back. It was a passionate kiss, and Alfred tried to put all his feelings towards Ivan into it, but he felt like it still wasn't enough when they pulled apart. He found himself breathing a little harshly, and fought to control it. He could feel his face was burning hot. Ivan smiled at him. Alfred tried to speak. "S-so, does that answer your question?" He asked, looking down. He realized he had scooted closer to Ivan and quickly scooted back. Ivan scooted with him, and put a hand on his shoulder again. "Alfred. Are you alright?" He asked, his own cheeks pink. Alfred nodded. "I'm sorry." He said, turning his head so he didn't have to look into Ivan's eyes. "For?" Ivan asked, taking his chin and pulling it towards him again. "Alfred." He said, adding only a bit of sternness. Alfred looked at Ivan. "Yeah?" Ivan smiled again and leaned towards Alfred, making them touch foreheads. "Y'know... I think I love you." He said, his smile wide. Alfred turned deeper red. "That was my other question..." He said, looking down. Ivan leaned in, and kissed him again. Alfred leaned into the kiss this time, and found himself wrapping his arms around Ivan's neck. He shut his eyes, not tightly, and scooted closer to Ivan so he didn't have to lean so far. He felt himself melting into the kiss, and then, it was over. Alfred stared into Ivan's eyes, and he smiled. "I love you..." He said, quietly. Ivan smiled and kissed Alfred's forehead. He went to stand, and almost dropped Alfred, until he grabbed Alfred in a bridal-style, and fully stood. He smiled at Alfred, who was still bright red, and he walked back into the house, using the door he had happened to leave open. He carried Alfred to the room where there had been a bed and set him down. "Are you alright?" Ivan asked Alfred again. Alfred nodded. "Much better." He said, smiling. He unwrapped his arms from around Ivan's neck, and put them in his lap. He looked into Ivan's eyes, and smiled. Finally after a few minutes, he got down off the bed and decided he should probably leave. Ivan smiled sadly. "I'll miss you." He said, wrapping his arms around Alfred. Alfred's cheeks flared. "I'm sorry I have to go." He said, sincerely. He smiled sadly at Ivan, who kissed his cheek. "Maybe we can talk about Matthew meeting my 'new boyfriend,' I suppose we're called that now, later." He said, turning himself around to hug Ivan. They both were sad, and when Alfred pulled apart, he felt saddened. "I promise I'll come back tomorrow." He smiled and waved as he walked to the door. He felt a sense of deja vu, and realized it reminded him of this morning with Matthew. He kissed Ivan on the cheek before he left, then he walked outside, hearing the door close behind him after a soft goodbye from Ivan. He walked with a new spring in his step. He couldn't stop smiling and when he walked into his and Matthew's house, it didn't even upset him to see Francis and Matthew talking in the living room. He waved to Matthew and went to his room. He changed into a light-grey T-shirt, and his pajama bottoms. He smiled and blushed as he thought of his 'boyfriend.' He sat on his bed and picked up his phone, then thought for a moment and finally decided on his notebook. He grabbed a pencil and opened his notebook. In the notebook, it showed a picture of the hallway with the shadow in the corner. He frowned at it, and turned the page. I guess I'll write about Ivan. Maybe it'll make my cheeks go back to normal. He smiled to himself and started writing about everything that had happened today, everything he had ever noticed about Ivan. He didn't stop writing until he heard the door open and heard Matthew's quiet voice. "Alfred?" He quickly shut the notebook and looked up. "Yes, Matthew?" Matthew smiled as he saw Alfred still smiling. "Francis just left, so I came up to see you." Alfred simply smiled politely. Matthew came and sat on the edge of the bed. "You know Francis feels bad for what he did when we were in school." He said, uncomfortable. Alfred shrugged. "Okay." He said, though he still felt angry sometimes. Matthew gave him a worried look. "I've forgiven him... Can't you?" Alfred's smile dropped, and he looked up at Matthew with anger in his eyes. "It's not like he tried to help me when I became suicidal though." He said, through gritted teeth. There was only one person who tried to help him, and that was Matthew. Then he told Ivan all about it, and Ivan had wished he had been around. Matthew sighed. He hugged his brother and tried to keep his voice even. "I love you, Al. I just need you to please trust me, and let Francis help you. And anyone else." He said, before pulling away. He stood up off the bed, and smiled. "I'll bring dinner up in a bit." He said, walking to the door, and pulling it open. Matthew glanced back again and smiled before pulling the door shut behind him.
<A/N: Finally Part 3 is done! This seems to be the favorite of all the stories, so here's Part 3. I don't fully understand why it's the favorite, though I love it too, and I do hope everyone still will love it!>

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