Chapter 15

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February 20

"Okay, the meeting is at two thirty. You excited?"

Excited was an understatement.

My six weeks of replacing Louis were up, and Simon Cowell wanted a meeting with me. When I first was told by Chad, I was very nervous, but he assured me that it was all good things. The day went by and I went to bed that night with Luke by my side, rolling the possibilities around in my mind. I was excited for not only this meeting with Simon, but also for the two month anniversary of Luke and me that was coming up. I wanted to make it special, seeing as none of my relationships have lasted this long, minus Brody.

I woke up this morning bright and early. Luke was quite frisky this morning, but I couldn't risk Chad showing up while we were in the middle So, I promised that if this meeting went well like it was supposed to, we would celebrate. Chad had shown up just after I made this promise, and Luke laughed his ass off at the irony before Chad asked me if I was excited.

"Of course! I'm also super nervous," I said, chewing lightly on my lip. He smiled and squeezed my shoulder.

"There's nothing to be worried about, trust me. Now, it's ten thirty, so if you want, we can all go get some brunch and the Lou Teasdale said that she and Lottie, I don't know if you've met her yet, She's Louis' sister, would help you pick out what to wear and do your hair and all for the meeting. Which I don't personally understand but, girls will be girls I guess..."

"How many coffees have you had?" I asked. He stopped rambling and smiled sheepishly.

"This is my third," he gestured to the cup in his hand before I laughed and told him Luke and I would be down in ten. He smiled and waved and left Luke and I alone.

"So, ten minutes, aye?" He smirked cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, only ten minutes. No funny business," I stated and pointed at him.

"Hello, Ashley. How are you?" Simon asked. I smiled brightly.

"I'm great, actually. You?" I made small talk. He told me how he was and we both laughed.

"Okay, let's get straight to it. You're and amazing singer. And we want you to open alongside 5 Seconds of Summer for the remainder of the tour," he threw out. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my eyes widen in shock.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked unsure. He laughed and smiled.

"Yes, very much so. In fact, I want to bring you in for some recording time. I would have to have a meeting with your parents as well, but it would be an honor for me to represent you. I know you write your own songs, but we could provide you with a songwriting coach, or you could work with any of the 1D or 5SOS guys at any time," my jaw dropped at his words.

"Oh my go-yes! A thousand times yes! Oh my goodness thank you so much Simon," I ramble on about how thankful I am and he assures me that he is happy to have me. I smile and shake everyone's hands and basically sprint to the car that was waiting outside with Chad in it. I sat in the passenger's seat and then I felt the tears falling fast down my cheeks.

"Happy tears, yeah?" Chad says. I smile and nod furiously and he laughs as he speeds off to the hotel. As soon as we get there, I make my way to Luke's and my room as fast as possible and I see him sitting on the couch watching some television station. He looks over in the middle of bringing the sandwich he was earing to his mouth he asks me.

"How'd it go?"

I don't do anything but hop into his lap and smash my mouth to his. I straddle him and feel up and down his toned torso. I bite his lip, softly pulling on his lip ring before he stops me. I look at him in confusion before he speaks.

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