Chapter 3. Black with milk and red velvet

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Chapter 3.

Black with milk and red velvet.

To Bill's disappointment, it rained today, but at least he had an umbrella. Until the wind was hurricane-worthy. But hey, he only had one more class to check. He could do it at the cafe, he was sure it wouldn't be a burden to anyone.

He was there at 4 am like yesterday, but today it was finally Diaper, no wait, Dipper, again (that boy had such a weird name, Bill kept trying to find funny words that look or sound like it).

The bell wasn't there today for some reason, but the boy noticed him anyway. He wasn't even standing up yet, so maybe he just came in? His hair looked wet, with tiny water droplets dripping down his messy strands of hair.

"Oh hey, you're the guy from Wednesday." Oh good, Bill wasn't the only one with a shaky voice around here. "What would you like?"
"Well, it's pretty risky to have espresso again," Dipper smiled. "So I'll have black with milk."

"Oh," The brunette barista shot up his eyes from the cash register to the counter on the left. "We also have muffins and red velvet here now. Would you like one?"

"Yes, red velvet please." He leaned against the counter, his chin cupped in his hand and a smirk on his face. "Didn't know you had ovens in here."

Dipper laughed, pulling a plate and spoon from underneath the counter (and for a second their faces were at the same level, only a couple of inches separating them) and the red velvet that was on the other counter. "We don't."

"Oh? Are they store bought then?"

"Nope. I uh, I bake. My friend's grandmother taught me."

Bill chuckled. "Hah, that's adorable."

The brunette went just a tiny bit red in the face, although his ears gave him away; they were about as red as the cake Bill ordered. "Thanks." Dipper mumbled.

The blonde went to sit at the table he chose before ordering, where his bag was resting. He unzipped it, taking out half of the notebooks, he worked better if he did it in fractions. 10 notebooks at 3 different times of day sounded less scary than 30 notebooks in one go, even though it did require some willpower.

The assignment, and the homework too obviously, wasn't that hard, so it took about 3 minutes to check one. And just as he put away the first notebook, his life support and 'breakfast', if you could even call it that, arrived; and with an unspecified barista in hand. Or rather, the cake and coffee in Dipper's hands. He sat opposite of Bill too, for some reason.

"You're a teacher?" The boy had to sit up a little and lean towards Bill to see what was written in the notebooks, with his tilted as much as he could turn his neck without breaking it.

"Yup, a history one. Also before you ask, I get about as much salary as a garbage man."
"I bet it's more than mine anyway. Is it fun? What do you teach?"
"Whoa, that's third base already." Dipper giggled. "History. It's probably the only subject I'm fluent at."
"I was only good at physics."
Bill looked up at him, as if the boy was mocking him. "Only?"
"Well, I only had like three physics lessons a week, so it isn't much compared to like English or something. Although I guess I was good at math too, I mean they're pretty close right?"
"Mhm." 2 more checked.

There was a minute of silence. "Sorry, could I—" Dipper was about to ask something, but when he looked up a customer entered through the door. Without a second word, the acorn haired boy was back behind the counter. The customer was running errands, so it was a pretty big order. 30 different coffees, actually. Damn, that's a lot. Bill finished all the work by the time the errand runner even had half his order, and the blonde man exited the cafe without asking Dipper what he was going to ask.

Acorn hair.

Where did he see that colour before?  

//yeeeeeee sorry im late i hang out with some peeps today
also i didnt proofread it or edit it so ill do that tomorrow, good night!

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