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Age: 18

Birthday: November 19th

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130.2 lbs.

Description: I like to call Drake the "ironic vampire" since he's a vampire, but most of the things he hates are what normal vampires love, such as blood (that's a big one).

He can't die by garlic (to him it's like an allergy case, you're allergic or not, and he isn't), he can see himself in mirrors, and he drinks a certain kind of soda (it'll be listed soon) instead of blood. He wears hoodies and gloves when going out in the sun.

The town that Drake lives outside of has false rumors going around about him, so he doesn't have many visitors (at least those that stay to say hi, kids "break into" his house normally and run away when they see his shadow). Nobody in the town knows that he's the vampire that they spread rumors about, so he's safe whenever he goes to town, but has grown annoyed with the town and doesn't like to go there that often.

Say anything relating to things like Twilight to him and he will beat the YKW out of you.

Favorite Color(s): Mostly light browns and yellow colors

Favorite Season: Fall/Autumn

Favorite Food(s): Steak (he likes it well done, so there's more irony), strawberries, apples, he loves pancakes

Favorite Drink(s): He drinks strawberry soda every single day and tends to run out of it after a week has passed or earlier. He's had so many that he can basically drink it like as if it were water, and can finish a 12-pack in around a day or less, so he buys a lot of soda when shopping. You can easily say that this is his favorite drink.

Hobbies: Being on the internet and looking up pictures, reading, he sometimes juggles his leftover soda cans before throwing them away, hanging upside down (as a bat, but also vice versa), pillow fights (if he's got any company that will stay), taking walks, screwing around at home

Disliked Color(s): Red, dark colors

Disliked Season: Summer

Disliked Foods: Most fruits such as peaches, oranges, etc. (his fangs make the juice squirt all over him, and he hates it), he despises tomatoes except for when they're in certain soups (tomato soup obviously doesn't count), salads, any kind of seafood

Disliked Drink(s): Blood counts as a drink for him, and I've already explained that he hates it

Disliked Hobbies: (These aren't really hobbies, but I'm still listing them.) Kids breaking into his house, and when they run away, the rumors around town, when kids leave garlic related things (mostly garlic bread) at his house, he doesn't like sunblock but will wear it sometimes, waking up "early" in the morning (such as 10 AM to 12 PM), flying as a bat (mostly in the sun, but he pefers to walk)

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