Chapter 2

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"No. No fucking way." I shake my head repeatedly and look at Adam. "I'm not doing this."

He sighs. "Luke, what else are we supposed to do? You've given us no other choice."

"I don't now! Anything besides this!" I cross my arms and stomp around the room furiously. His phone suddenly beeps and he gives me worried look after glancing at the device.

"She's here," he says. I groan and throw myself onto a chair.

"I don't want to meet her." I know I am probably acting like a child but at the moment I couldn't fucking care less.

My manager narrows his eyes at me. "Luke, I'm only going to say this once. These past few months you have become a total asshole. You've been attending parties, sleeping around with several women, gotten drunk in public, taken drugs, you got arrested, arrived late to your own concerts, betrayed your band members and acted like a complete and total idiot on too many occasions. We are sick and tired of your behavior, and if you don't fix it soon, we are going to drop you from this management company."

I snort. "You can't replace me." I don't even bother to correct him on anything else since I am well aware that everything he said is true.

"No we can't, that's why we would drop your band members too." This makes me sit up straighter. Calum, Ashton and Michael don't deserve that. They've worked too damn hard to have a screw up like me mess this up for them.

I sigh, bracing myself to hear the worst. "What do I need to do to fix this?" Adam probably told me this a hundred times but I'm too dense to actually listen.

"We're gonna build you up again." He says. "To begin with, you're going to become more responsible."

"I can handle that."

"No more messing around with the law."


"You're going to start acting like a proper adult."

"Hard but manageable." I mutter.

"No more drugs or alcohol or wild parties."


He steels his voice and repeats his request. "No more more dugs or alcohol or wild parties."

I grit my teeth together but nod stiffly. "Okay."

"You're going to stop having sex with every woman you meet."

I smirk. "It isn't my fault that I'm so desirable."

He throws me an angry look. "Luke."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Is that all? Can I go now?" I stand up and head towards the door knowing that more will come out of his mouth.

"No, like I told you at the beginning of this meeting, you will be getting a girlfriend." This makes me ball my hands into fists.

"I already told you, there is no fucking way I'm doing that. Besides, what's the whole point of it?!"

He sighs. "It's not permanent, you'll only have to date her for a few months. It'll make you seem more down-to-earth and there will be no more sleeping around or being seen with hookers. We've hired an actress to play the part. She isn't famous and hopefully people will see you've changed enough to be in a real relationship." He glances at his phone again. "Oh, and in case you didn't listen to me before, she's right outside."

I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes at him. "You know that I hate you right?"

"I am well aware."


He rolls his eyes at me and walks outside leaving me in the room alone. I consider 'accidentally' dropping Adam's shiny new laptop on the floor until I realize that it wouldn't help anything - But boy is it tempting.

"Luke," says my manager as he walks through the door just as I'm about to escape through the window - I would somehow find a way to fall three floors and land safely I'm sure. "This is Elizabeth Burrows. She will be acting as your girlfriend for the next few months."

I glance at the chick beside him and smirk. Damn, she's hot.

She extends her hand towards me. "It is a pleasure meeting you. I'm a big fan of your music." She leaves her arm in the air for a few moments and once she realizes that I'm not gonna shake her hand she awkwardly brings it back to her side. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

I roll my eyes ignoring her and look at Adam. "Can I leave now?" I've only known her for five seconds and I'm already sure that she's one of those proper uptight bitches. On the other hand though, maybe I'll be able to fuck her. After all, I've found out that sometimes good girls turn out to be wild in bed. I grin at the memories clouding my head.

Adam shakes his head at me disappointedly. "Elizabeth, I'm sure you've already been asked this but I just want to make sure: Have you signed our secrecy contract yet?"

She smiles politely and nods. "Yes, I just have one question, is it possible for me to tell my parents about this? I don't like keeping secrets from them."

"Unfortunately no. No one can know about this deal or we could be in major trouble with the media, the fans and everyone in between. Only the band, you and Luke, your agent, my closest coworkers and I know about this. Anyone else can put the plan in jeopardy." Adam turns towards me. "Luke, you better not mess this up either. You know the consequences."

"Anything else?" I ask, I'm so ready to leave this hell-hole anytime now.

"Yes," he says. "You will be seen hanging out together for the first time tomorrow at three in the evening. You can choose where to go, just make sure it's somewhere casual. We want this relationship to seem as real as possible, so no physical contact other hand-holding at the moment. After all, it's only a first date. Understood?"

I nod stiffly and glance at Elizabeth - God, even her name seems uptight and proper - who looks nervous. I guess that's our dismissal, because Paul goes sit behind his desk and begins typing on the shiny computer I wanted to break moments earlier. 

I walk out of the office quickly while Elizabeth slowly trails behind me. Once we enter the elevator, she opens her mouth.

"Where would you like to meet tomorrow? I was thinking we could go to-"

"I'll text you where we're going later." I cut her off.

She frowns. "But you don't have my number."

"I'll figure it out." I'll just call Paul later and ask him for it. He more than likely has it already.

"Okay." Is all she replies and then tries to fill the awkward silence surrounding us. "So, what do you think-"

Just as the elevator arrives to the main floor, I cut her off. "Look, we are not going to become friends, so don't try to be nice and polite with me. You are just a bitch who is getting paid to act like you adore me, so do your job properly. Get that in your head."

"Excuse me?" I can see the anger building up in her even as she tries to act professional. "I refuse to let you-"

"See you tomorrow." I smirk while putting on my sunglasses and walk away.


Hello friends!! Chapter 2 is up can I get a what what?! God I'm a loser! Anyways, hope u liked it! I'm sick rn so it's the perfect time to write!! I hope my delirious brain didn't affect the chapter too much!
Anyways, love Ya lots!

Xx Valentina xX

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