Crazy? I Think Not!

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Chapter 1

In primary school, I ate a table spoon of glue because I was dared to by a girl called Sophie. When I told the teacher, she didn't believe me and I ended up making a different Sophie cry. She wasn't even the one I was talking about, but everyone said she was the only one in that class. She wasn't!

"She just has an imaginary friend, all kids her age get them!" My Mum would defend.

I ran around the house with Sophie, she would tell me to reach into the cupboard drawers and grab the sharpest knife in there.

"She's not real!" My Dad would argue. "You need to stop talking to her."

So she left. Then came Chippy, a chipmunk who could talk. He would tell me to climb trees and see how high I could get before jumping off the top.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I asked him once.

He shook his head and smiled, "No! I have seen humans jump from all sorts of heights and make it."

So I jumped. And I fell. And I fell. And I landed in a poor position on my legs. Messed up a few bones and now I can't run without it hurting and screwing up. My parents were surprised, however, that I hadn't broken anything.

Eventually Chippy left. Along came Dorathy, a half dog half woman thing. I would pet her ears, and she would wag her tail. She took me to a dog park on the other side of town. At least, I thought it was a dog park at the time. There were a lot of people there and they had dogs in cages, growling, barking and chomping at the bars. Two dogs were released into a pit and they started to attack. The people were cheering and held money out of their hands.

"We should go and pet them!" Dorathy clapped. So I went up to the railing and prepared to jump in the pit. One of the men grabbed me and took me to the police station. He said he couldn't stay long because these people were mean to him. After that, Dorathy left too.

I met a lot of friends on my journey. The thing was, after that little incident, they stopped trying to kill me. No, they kept telling me to do bad things. I drank my dad's alcohol. I stole mum's jewellery and pawned it off to randoms. I caught a rabbit, tortured it and killed it with a kitchen knife before hiding them underground. I also stole a pair of designer, knock off glasses. All of these I thought were the wrong thing to do, and all of them had a second opinion whom always was persuasive.

I don't know why, but they did. Anyway, it's been one year since my last encounter, so hopefully things have stopped. I have just learned to keep things to myself since the last time I told someone, they thought I was crazy and all this madness happened.


I was walking down the path to my next class when someone called my name.

"Ellie! Ellie, wait up!"

I turned to see Scay running up to me. Her blonde hair bounced up and down as she ran - along with her boobs. Damn, why does she have to be more than double my size in that area? I swear, this is why I don't have a boyfriend. They always look at her instead of me.

"I am sensing that you are not in a good mood?" She questioned, giving me a sideways look.

I shook my head and smiled, "It's nothing really, I just haven't finished my draft for the Homec. Assignment."

She gave me a smile of sympathy, "Do not worry! I have not either completed my draft."

I giggled at her, she always sounds so formal. We walked together towards our Homec. class and stood outside, waiting for the teacher. Our teacher was more scary than Hell and Earth combined! Her name is Mrs Scar and it seems as though she always has a permanant scowl on her face. She wears red rimmed glasses and has a bob cut of finely combed, back hair. Seriously, I am 99% sure that her own hair is scared to stand up for themselves!

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