Pizza Delivery Man

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Chapter 2



I sat in my room, playing on my computer. Mum had stayed back with her hunting group, sometimes she let's me come but not tonight since it is a school night. It's great, she gets payed to kill animals and sell their carcasses. Ah, the life of a Hunter. Dad works in business, he is head of some organisation that keeps people on track. AKA, he makes sure that his employees are on the phone selling things.

Meanwhile, I am trying to get a job at Woolworths.

Life was good! I have finally managed to hand in a resume and my sanity is coming back. I clicked on a YouTube video and as soon as the mouse made that little 'click' sound, lightening and thuner struck quite close to the house. It hasn't started raining yet but the wind is howing! I bet Mum is having a hard time hunting in this weather.

As if just thinking of her name was some kind of spell, my phone started ringing with the caller I.D as hers.

"Hello?" I answered.

Thunder was heard on her end of the line as well, "Ellie! Hey darling, I'm not going to be back for a while, it's too dangerous to drive from out here."

I laughed, "I thought as much. What, no hunting then?"

Mum laughed too, "Unless you count the mosquitos getting buzzed from the light zapper, nope."

"Damn, that sucks."

She let out a heafty sigh, "Yeah, but... What are you going to do? Oh, and could you please tell your father for me? He isn't answering his phone."

I nodded, despite the fact that she couldn't see me, "No problem."

"Thanks! Hopefully he actually put dinner on when I told him to. I will talk later, stay safe, Sweetie."

"You too," And with that, we hung up.

As soon as I gave up on my buffering clip, I closed my laptop and made my way down stairs. Gods, I hope Dad has started dinner, I am so hungry! My stomach is growling just at the thought of food.

I ran down the stairs and called his name, "Dad!"

No response.

"Dad! Where are you?"

Still nothing. The lights started flickering and I began to worry.

"... Dad?"

I turned the courner to the kithen and screamed. My cat, Duster, had just bolted around the corner and through my legs. I hate it when he does that! After letting out a breath of relief that I was fine, I spotted a note on the table.

'Gone to pub, be back soon.

There is a twenty on the counter, it's cheaper Tuesday at Dominos.

Order in, no going out at night. Love You - xoxox'

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. Immediately I was in the messenging box and started texting him.

Me: Dad, what the Hell?

It wasn't too long before he replied.

Dad: What?

Me: Don't you what me! You just ditched me!

Dad: No! You didn't follow me.

Me: Don't start this with me, Mister! Mum won't be home for a while so now I am all alone. I can't order Pizza because the weather is just too horrid.

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