Chapter 5

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"Liza!" Micheal cried. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for you to risk your life to save me!"

"No," I gasped. "It was the only way to prove my love for you."

I tried to breathe in but it hurt so bad and the pain was only getting worse.

"Micheal help me!" I cried.

"Ha, you risked your life for him when you could'v had a better one with me." Laughed Kalab in my head.

Is this heaven? I could hear Michea's voice but I couldnt see him.

"Liza, can you hear me?" asked Micheal.

I could hear concern in his voice. This couldn't be heaven, I thought as I opened my eyes, revealing Micheal in front of me. I was in the hospital again.

"Do they consider me a regular visitor yet?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh Liza." Said Micheal.

Just then a nurse came in and walked over to my bed.

"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" She asked checking my wound.

"A little bit, but it's not bad, it just burns. How long have I been out?"

"Almost a day, which I think is a little long, don't you Micheal?" Chimed in a familiar voice.

"Luke!" I almost screamed.

"May I talk to Liza alone?" He asked.

Micheal and the nurse left the room.

"Micheal told me what you said after Kalab shot you." He said, casually walking closer to me. Something about his posture, and behavior frightened me.

"I meant it. I used to love you a little more, but as a brother, Micheal just couldn't realize that. Now I know that my heart lies with Micheal more. I still love you Luke. Just not as much as I love Micheal."

All of a sudden he was rushing at me with a knife. I screamed, asking him was he was doing, begging him not to hurt me, when he sunk the knife into my stomach, I cried out, as he ran out of the room. then he came back in.

"Liza stop screaming! What happened?"

I was confused, didn't he remember what he had just done to me?

"You, you, stabbed me!" I spluttered out.

"No! I would never ever hurt you!"

He rushed over and flipped on the alarm. Nurses rushed around me, they wheeled me away into t operating room.

Luke got a hold of Micheal, and waited for him in my room. Then they rushed to the waiting room for news on me.

"So what exactly happened?" Micheal asked.

"I'm not quite sure. I came in and asked what happened. She believes I stabbed her. I'm not sure what really happened."

"Kalab." Micheal muttered.

"What?" Luke asked.

Micheal turned to face him and explained aobut the Elves and about Kalab.

"Kalab is a shape shifter, not an Elf, but they live in the same kingdom." Explained Micheal.

"Oh," Said Luke.

"After Liza gets out of the hospital we have to take her to her palace."

"So I won't see her again?"

"Well from what her grandmother says, you're an Elf too. So you will probably be coming with us."


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