When A World Meeting Gets Boring.

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Welcome to spamano one-shots with only smut! It's everything a Hetalia fan could every need!

Romano sighed as he walked down the hall. World Meetings were boring as shit, especially when potato-bastard was the one running the meetings. His mind kept wandering, so he gave up paying attention and just decided to sleep.

Bad idea. Especially when the nation sitting beside just happens to be your lover. Romano felt a smile tug at his lips and quickly pushed all thoughts of Spain from his head, lest he lose it and...


Romano started to walk a bit faster, running into a wall. The small smile turned into a slightly evil smirk as a plan formed in his mind.

He was going to pay the potato-bastard back for stealing his little brother. Since the meeting was taking place in Berlin, Romano knew just how to do it.

And he knew Spain would be more then happy to comply.


After a good twenty minutes of walking, Romano gave up looking for his Spanish boyfriend and just decided to lean against the wall. He flicked his hair out of his eyes and checked his watch. The lunch break was going to end in half an hour. Romano smiled. That was more then enough time.

After a couple seconds later he heard footsteps from done the hall. He turned his head to see three people. One of them being just the person he was looking for.

Spain was talking very fast to both France and Prussia. Probably about something Romano did, but at this moment, the Italian couldn't care less.

"Mon amine!" France was saying to the Spaniard. "You told us this story already. Three times!" He held up three fingers to make his point.

Spain rolled his eyes and smiled. Romano felt his stomach flip-flop at the sight of it. Curse that stupid Spanish man and his amazing small and a...

Romano shook his head, getting rid of the thought. He would have to save that for later, as well.

"Hey, tomato-bastard!"

The two still nations, and the one-saying-he-was-still-a-nation-when-in-reality-he-lived-in-his-little-brothers-basement, all looked up to see Romano.  It would be an understatement to say that Spain's smile grew. And it would also be an understatement that Romano was so pleased that it was him that caused Spain to smile so big.

France and Prussia took this moment to leave, knowing just was going to happen. As they walked, Prussia elbowed France in the ribs and muttered something about Spain's dream coming true.

Spain waved goodbye to his friends before turning to his boyfriend. Romano stuck out his hand and Spain grabbed it, lacing their fingers together.

As the couple walked down the hall in the opposite direction, Spain said "Roma, is something wrong?"

"No, you bastard! Why would you ask that?"

"Because you didn't insult France or Prussia."

Romano shrugged. "I need you to do something for me.."

"What's...ouch...Romano, why did you shove me in closet?" The Spanish nation watched as his boyfriend closed the door behind them. Romano looked into Spain's eyes before leaning in and letting his lips meet Spain's.

Spain was mildly surprised by this action. But, nonetheless, he took this as something he should enjoy. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled the shorter man flush against him.

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