Chapter 22: Sleeping Beauty, I love you.

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This was supposed to be Chapter 21 but I thought that it would be better if I made a Closure chapter for Alex and Tyler. :))

Soooo, there is only a few chapter’s left for this Book, and I hope you’ll stick to the end because, as promised, I’ll make a 2nd book of LITC. :) Do watch out for that.

Okay, so, Chapter 22 is what KyLex Shippers are waiting for. You know what I’m talking about! And yes I’m still bitter with what happened with TyLex. :((

KYLEX is back on. How? Read on! 

Featured Character: Kyle

Featured Song: My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson



The sound of the fireworks popping in the night sky, glittering then slowly fades away. The smell of gunpowder fills the foggy air, it brings back many memories from way way back. Good and Bad I really didn’t care, they all happened before anyways, going back won’t change anything. All that matters now, is what is here and what is yet to come.

“Alex, Tyler, come see this!” My mom called from downstairs, making me jump out of my thoughts. And Tyler who was sitting next to me, watching the early fireworks pop in our neighbourhood, stood up and looked at me quite worriedly.

I looked back at him and smiled. “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

He smiled back and nodded. “Let’s go, I’m guessing they’ll be firing one of the fireworks. The excitement is killing them already.” He chuckled.

I stood up and straightened my clothes. He followed suit and headed down stairs, racing like kids.

“HA!” He pointed at me, mocking me. “I won!”

I pouted. “Not fair you jumped at last three steps!”

“Rematch?” He smirked as we were about to go up the stairs again.

“Not so fast boys! I have to show you something first.” My mom came out of the kitchen and gestured us to follow her.

Tyler shared a confused look.  We both walked our way to the kitchen to see our friends and their family all inside our kitchen.

“SURPRISE!!!” Emma exclaimed and jumped to hug me.

I hugged back, but still keeping a surprised and confused look on my face.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked Emma.

She just smiled as she lets my mom talk. “Well, since our traditions are not that fun anymore, your Dad and I…” My dad placed his arms around her. “ thought we might just hold a party at our house.” She stated with a big grin on her face.

“The more the merrier, right?” Dad added.

I looked at the crowd of people in our house. Mason’s here with his parents and little brother, Liam and his mom, Emma, Dani, and their parents, Sab, Coach White and his wife, but no Kyle…

I walked to my parents and dragged them to the living room. “S’cuse me, I’ll just need to talk with the parental units.” I announced before leaving them to wonder.

“Mom, Dad.” I called calmly.

“Yes dear?” She asked sweetly.

“What the heck is going on here?” I growled.

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