The Marker

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I was walking home from school one day when I chanced upon a dry erase marker. Nothing about it appeared off, I suppose that's what drew me to it. It was black and the label had been worn off. I decided to take the marker home, I had lost the one I needed for school.

It started small. When I came home I set the market down on my kitchen ocounter and started washing the dishes from the day before, me being to lazy to do it the night before. I was almost finished when I noticed something strange with the shadows. The shadows appeared to darken right around where the marker would be.

I just blew it off as me being tired and paranoid because my parents were out on a business trip for a week. I did my homework, then I went to bed. The next day I woke up in my kitchen, marker in hand. On a white- board I noticed a strange picture. It looked like a person on the ground, something in their hand. I realize now that the person was me, dead, and the object was the marker.

At the time, I thought I had only slept walked. I ate breakfast, packed up my bag and walked to school.

For about a week, nothing happened, or at least I didn't notice anything, but the next Monday, in art class, we were drawing white- board art. I got out my marker and started to draw. I zoned out and the next thing I knew the teacher was yelling at me.

"What on earth is this?" I looked down. What I had drawn was a very graphic picture of a girl, I couldn't see her face, with a marker in hand and her throat slit with the words, "THEY'RE COMING," I was shocked to say the least and tried to convince the teacher that I had not drawn the picture. But considering the entire class saw me drawing the picture the teacher didn't believe me and gave me a detention slip.

As I got into the detention room, nobody was in there. I didn't really think anything about it, I was a few minutes early anyways. I settled down in the back of the class, right next to the big white- board. I had the marker in my hand and was playing with it, thinking to myself, That's the second time I came back to reality with a strange pic...

I didn't finish my thought.

I had zoned out again and when I woke up, on the white- board next to me was the same picture of the girl, only this time it was obvious that it was me, with the message, "The are here!"

I started to panic, What's going on?! This all started when I found that stupid mark...

I felt a breath on my neck. I didn't even have time to turn around.

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