Joc Pederson

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For Jessie_5757
(A/N let me know if there are any mistakes in the comments but please be nice about it, thank you!! Also I think you changed your username to jessiikah but I'm not sure😂 lol)

      Uuuuggh. Why can't my mother just understand that I don't want my brother to come to the mall with me like seriously!!! Anyway you're probably wondering what happened. So, I told my mother I was going to the mall to look for some summer clothes, and she says that I'm not allowed to go unless I bring my little brother. Well he isn't really little, he's 16 but whatever.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself; I have an almost chocolate brown hair color, I'm 23 years old. I live in Los Angeles, California. (A/N sorry I just made that up).
I'm wearing a Joc Perderson shirt with light blue Hollister shorts.

"Jessica are you ready, come on!" Nick, my younger brother keeps shouting from downstairs. "I'll be down in like 5 minutes, chill"

"Hurry up"

"Hey child, I'm the one taking you to mall in he first place. Don't rush me."

At the Mall

Nick and I split, he probably just went to a Footlocker or some shoe store. Meanwhile, I went to the sports store. I heard they're having a HUGE sale and you could never have too much Joc Pederson jerseys. Oh, silly me, I forgot to mention that the store sells all the professional sports team in California. And Joc Pederson is my favorite player to ever exist.
My mother always yells at me when o bring home another jersey but I keep telling her the same thing, 'mom, you can never ever have too many jerseys' she'll just roll her eyes and go back to what she was doing.

Hey I hear as someone taps my shoulder.
I turn around and see that the Joc Pederson is standing right there talking, to me!!
Hi, i hope I don't sound to excited

"I really like your shirt"

"Oh thank you!"

"What's your name beautiful?"


"Im Joc-"

"Joc Pederson, yes I know I'm like your biggest fan ever"

"Oh are you now?"


"Well then, if you're my biggest fan then will do just one thing for me?"

"Yeah sure, anything"

"Would you go on a date with me?"

Wait what. Did he seriously just ask me out???? Omg I'm freaking out!!! Omg act cool Jessica, act cool.

" I would love to go out with you"

After that we exchanged phone numbers and of course I got a picture with him. As I was about to leave the mall, I totally forgot about my brother!!! Oh my goodness, I'm such a bad sister. My brother called me 5 TIMES!!!! Oh boy. Eventually he comes back to the car and we get home. I keep my meeting with Joc a secret until I know I can tell me family.

A/N oh gosh I feel so so bad that it's literally taken me for ever to do this!!! But I hope you love and I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, actually today because I'm writing this at 1:11 in the morning. Lol and because I'm leaving for vacation I will be writing everyones who I haven't finished while I'm in the car. I hope everyone has had an awesome summer so far and look forward to many more updates!!

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