Love Burns - Chapter Six

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Love burns

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved

A joint project of crimsonnebula and xangelsmomx

Chapter Six

Picture on the side is Fern (Scarlett Johansson)


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(Nathaniel POV)

Pandora and I were sitting in McDonalds eating our usual chicken nuggets and fries. As long as I have known Panda, she has had this crazy fetish for McDonald’s fries and ranch dressing. I couldn’t help but watch her intently as she slowly dipped the fry in the ranch dressing, flicked her tongue out and consumed the treat. Damn, I thought to my self, watching her eat that fry was one of the most sensual things that I had ever seen.

“What?” Panda said sounding a bit self conscious. The sound of her voice brought me back to the present, “Do I have ranch on my face or something?” she asked wiping haphazardly at the corners of her mouth.

I hadn’t even realized that my staring at her had become that noticeable. Looking away I chuckled lightly and played it off. “Naahh, baby. I was just thinking about how good it was to be back home…with you,” I told her flashing a brilliant smile.

“Awww,” she sang. “I missed you too,” Pandora smiled back at me. And man, her smile was freaking breathtakingly beautiful. All I wanted to do at this moment was lean over the table and kiss that sexy mouth but I wouldn’t, not yet at least. I refused to screw our relationship up before it even had a chance of getting started up by acting on a stupid whim.

Pandora held up a fry to me and I opened my mouth wide letting her toss it in. She almost missed my mouth but I lunged to the side so that it went in. ”Two points,” she squealed excitedly and all I could do was grin. It seems that was all I ever did when I was around this gorgeous girl sitting in front of me, grinning like an idiot.

“Yea, you may have gotten the two points this time babe, but that was only because this sexiness,” and I paused to rub my hands down the front of my chest, “is just that hard to resist.”

Pandora rolled her eyes at me but I could see that laughter on her face. “You wish boy,” she retorted sarcastically, “I’m just that good and you know it.”

“Boy?” I said arching my brow in question, “You tell me where you see a boy and I’ll kiss your ass everyday for a week.”

Pandora stood up and bent over right beside me smacking one of her perfectly rounded cheeks, “Here you go baby, get started because from where I am standing, there is a boy sitting right there,” she stated looking pointedly at me.

Shaking my head, I narrowed my eyes on Pandora, “You asked for it missy,” I growled and before she even had a chance to take off, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into my lap. I had one arm restraining her while I tickled the day lights out of her with the other.

Her laughter surrounded me like a cocoon of giddiness. The smell of her strawberry scented shampoo filled my nose as I continued to torture her with my hands, and dammit, strawberries were my favorite fruit.

“Stt…stoo….stoppppp,” She squealed between laughs, “Cannnt Bbb…breathe” she continued and with that I finally stopped attacking her sides with my tickle fingers.

“Now,” I breathed at her ear and felt her body slightly tense as she sat on my lap. “Do you see a boy anywhere?” I asked still close at her ear.

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