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Dedicated to KooReader. Thanks for being the first reader!

I walk up to the ticket booth to register into the Nerftastic war.

"Thank you for the $20. Here's your ticket." Said the lady in the booth.

I grip tightly on my Nite Finder EX-3. I've been using this one for years. It's handy but old. My mom bought it for me at a garage sale. It was $8. Yes, I know, if it's cheap it' break easily. That's what I thought at first but look, it's still working perfectly fine.

From the corner of my eye, I see Clovis. He was surrounded by news reporters.

"How do you feel about knowing that you're going to win number 1 in the war?" I heard one reporter ask.

"Of course I'm happy. I appreciate my fans for being here with me." He replied.

As soon as he said that, a group of girls behind him screamed his name.


Annoying fan girls.

Clovis held up his massive gun and laughed evilly.

I ignored him and walked into the waiting area. I still had an hour before the games start.

I saw Bowser munching on a cookie at the snack bar. He's chubby but he runs super fast. He won number 3 last year.

Over to the left, I saw Jenkins napping on the sofa. 2 years ago, he won 4th. The only reason he lost last year was because he fell asleep while hiding, and got shot by Clovis.

I can't wait to go into the arena. The arena is a basically a huge maze in a dark dome. The walls are black and the floor has neon yellow lights on it so you know where you're going and won't bump your head on a wall.

Can't wait to shoot people and hear that loud "Bzzzzt" meaning that someone is out of the game.

I absolutely cannot wait.

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