Chapter One

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I hate myself! Well, not everything about myself. Just my body, my hair, and everything except for my eyes. So basically, I wish I looked completely different with the same eyes.

My eyes are grey with specks of blue in them. Everyone tells me how beautiful they are and how they're jealous. This may sound vain, except for I'm anything but vain, I totally agree with them! Then there's everything else about me.....

My curves are too big for my liking, because they attract way too many creeps wanting me to, and I quote, "ride them". My face is pretty, but my hair is various colors of brown. It's natural highlights that I'm not sure if I like or not. I'm considered the short girl at school, which is ok with me.

"Hannah Elisabeth Grace Blair! Get your butt up right now!" My Mom screams at me from downstairs. "You're going to be late." She adds in a more civil tone.

Why is she getting me up so early? It's only 6:05 am! I rack my brain trying to see if I missed something....... I can't think of anything!

I roll out of bed and flop onto the floor. "Ouch!" I scream in frustration. Why did I do that? At least I'm fully awake now. I climb down the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

I smell a sweet aroma and realize that, for once, my moms cooking breakfast. "What's the special occasion?" I ask. My little sisters already at the table and smirks at me.

Gosh, I strongly dislike my sister. I used to say hate, but apparently you're not supposed to hate anyone. She's the selfish, bratty, floozy, manipulative, mean type.

Does it sound like someone you'd love and want to be friends with? Didn't think so!

"Well.... It's the first day of school." My Mom simply states. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. What?!? I have to go back to people, teachers, and school work? Not only that, but I also have to pick out what to wear and make myself look presentable. Oh joy! Note the sarcasm.

"Still though... Normally you'd already be gone for work." I affirm. I can tell my Moms not telling me something. I can't tell if its a good thing or a bad thing....

"I just thought I'd make you guys breakfast before I left..." She trails off. Her expression looks hurt and questioning. Maybe nothing's actually going on. I don't know. It just seems odd.

"Oh. Thanks, Mom!" I sit down and briskly eat my breakfast. When Mom leaves for work I turn to my sister.

"Why was she still home?" I ask. My sister only stares and I glare at her. Don't get me wrong, I adore kids! Just not my little sister. Then again, she's only two years younger than me. I'm 17 and she's 15.

"How should I know? Now hurry along and get us to school, loser." She bluntly says. These are the everyday comments I get from my sister, Emily. Isn't she just a lovely, little ray of sunshine?

*Two Hours later*

I did all my old morning routines and got us to school in record time. Of course the cracky secretary at the front office disagreed. Why can't she just let us go to class?

"Excuse me. Miss Blair? You all are late!" Miss Davis says in a know it all voice. This women annoys me so much. Emily startsi to go towards her, but I grab her arm and pull her down the hallway. Acting as if I never even heard Miss Davis.  

I rush to Mr. Carter to get my schedule, leaving Emily behind. I hear people talking about Mr. Horan. He must be a new teacher or something. The chatters constant and makes my head spin.

"Omg! Hannah, I haven't saw you in like forever!" Casey squeals out while taking me into a bear huge. I would be laughing right now if I could breath.

"Can't... breath....." I whisper. She lets go and smiles at me. "And I saw you yesterday." I affirm. Casey only giggles.

"Have you heard about our new teacher? I hear he's totally hot!" Casey practically screams.

Casey is my best friend. She's tall, athletic (cheerleader), has long dark brown hair, and even darker brown eyes. She's usually excited about everything and peppy. That's why we're best friends! Out of all of my friends, I would say we're the purer ones. Except for her addiction..... But we'll talk about that later!

"Let me compare our schedules!" Casey snatches mine out of reach and focuses intently on them. This is when I see it...

First Hour: Mrs. Hopkins-  Ap Calculus

Second Hour: Mr. Horan- Humanities

Third Hour: Mr. Horan- Ap English

Fourth Hour: Mr. Anama-  Ap Spanish Two


Fifth Hour: Free Period

Sixth Hour: Mr. Horan- Drama

Fifteen Minute Break

Seventh Hour: Miss Diana- Law and Justice

I... I have Mr. Horan three times in one day? I'm not for sure if I should be excited or angry. Judging from the jealous look on Casey's face I should be ecstatic. Think about how all the girls will be flirting with him. It'll be awful. It's exactly like two years ago in Mr. Stevens class.... That's when he was the hot new teacher.

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