4.) Bad News

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Chapter Four: Bad News

[Written by SerialLover & kacoh15]

Taylor and Tiffany sat in the waiting room, waiting for the nurse to come and tell them they could see her. Taylor stood up and started to pace back and forth. "That's not going to help her," Tiffany snapped typing away on her cell phone.

Taylor glared at her and said, "Well, texting isn't going to help her either."

Tiffany stopped typing and looked at Taylor. "For your information, I am telling Chloe what happened. God, you can be such an idiot!"

Taylor stopped pacing and glared at Tiffany. "So did Chloe make the cheer squad?"

Tiffany's nose wrinkled. "No..."

"I heard she completely sucked."

"She wasn't that bad, she just wasn't good," she said softly.

"So did you tell her she didn't make the team yet?"


"Excuse me," said a nurse in blue scrubs. "Are you Taylor and Tiffany Hunt?"

"Why do you say her name first?" Tiffany snapped.

The nurse was taken aback and smiled shyly. "Well, I don't know, I just did..."

"Ignore her," Taylor suggested. "What's going on with our mom, Christina?"

"She's not in the best shape. You guys should come back to her room, so Dr. Johnson can tell you the news," said the nurse walking down the hallway. Taylor followed her with furrowed brows. Tiffany plopped her phone in her purse and followed shortly behind them. The nurse took them all the way down the hall to room 472. "She's in here."

"Thank you nurse," Taylor said smiling and walked into her mom's room. Tiffany smiled politely at the nurse and walked in, shutting the door behind her. "So, what's the news?"

Dr. Johnson smiled at the girls and motioned for them to take a seat. Their mom was laying down in the hospital bed asleep, or unconscious. "We discovered while saving your mom, that she has a rare disease called Behcet Syndrome. The Behcet Syndrome can cause blindness and death, and in your mom's case, it's death. We are feared she has had this disease for a while, and we also fear, that she has very few days to live upon. We would like to keep her in the hospital 'til she passes. This is a tragic case which, sadly, we cannot cure." Tiffany bursted into tears making her make-up run down her face. Why did this have to happen to my mom? Why? She's too young to die, we've got no one else. Dad's in jail... We're going to have to live by ourselves! Taylor stared blankly at her mom. You just had to make it happen to us, didn't you? She's not old enough to die yet; she's barely half way through her life! We'll have to live on our own. But how would we support ourselves? We're going to have to get jobs! We're going to have to pay the bills... Everything...on our own. This can't happen! "I'll give you girls some time alone. Christina should be awake soon." The Doctor smiled at the girls and walked out the room with their mom's chart.

Tiffany wiped her eyes and looked at Taylor. She never needed someone so much in her lifetime, and her sister at that. Taylor looked at Tiffany and they both hugged each other. That had been the closest the girls had been since they were at least five. 

"Tiffany?" asked their mom opening her eyes. She coughed and sat up slowly.

Tiffany broke away from her sister and raced to her mom's side. "I'm here mom. I'll be here at your side for a while."

Her mom smiled and kissed her forehead. She looked at Taylor and motioned her to come forward. Taylor stood up and walked over to her mother. "Yes, mom?" asked Taylor in the sweetest voice she could.

"Go get me a glass of water from the cafeteria," snapped her mom.

Taylor furrowed her brows as Tiffany said in the most obnoxious voice ever, "Yeah, get me one too."

Taylor huffed and walked away. She entered the hallway and smiled evilly. She had a plan, she was going to mess up Tiffany's friendship with Chloe. She pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket, dialing Chloe's number. She smiled and said in a very nasally voice, "Hello, Chloe?"

"Yes this is she," Chloe said in a loud peppy voice.

"So I heard you didn't make the cheer squad."

"Who told you that?"

"Tiffany Hunt. She said you did horribly and there was no chance of you on the squad; she didn't even try to defend you."

"Shut the front door," said Chloe and Taylor abruptedly hung up the phone. That's what you get, stupid bitch.

Chapter Four: Bad News

[Written by SerialLover]


I smiled and walked down the hall, proud with myself. My sister was going to get a mouthful tomorrow from Chloe and I was going to laugh, hard. I walked to the elevator at the end of the hall, across from the waiting room. I clicked the down button and waited for the doors to open. When the doors opened, two people stepped out and I got in. There was a very attractive doctor in there around twenty-five maybe? He had dark brown hair that flipped out at the ends and deep brown eyes with light green flecks by his pupils. I squinted at his name tag to find out that his name was James Sheffield.

“What floor are you going to?” asked Dr. Sheffield

“One,” I said smiling.

He returned the smile and clicked the ‘ground floor’ button. “I’m James.”

“Taylor. Nice to meet you,” I said smiling.

“As the same to you,” he said smiling wider. I couldn’t help but smile even more, he had that effect.He smiled; I smiled. “Have a good day, Taylor.”

“You too,” I said walking out of the door. I looked at the hallway to the cafeteria and decided I wasn’t going to waste my time. They were being mean to me, so I was returning being mean to them. I skipped towards the front doors that slid open when I approached. I stood outside the sliding doors smiling happily. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Brett’s number.

“Hey,” he said breathlessly.

“Come pick me up at the hospital; we’re going to party!” I said and hung up.

Chapter Four: Bad News

[Written by kacoh15]


Tiffany was sitting in a chair next to their mom. "Why did this have to happen to you? I don't want you to leave me." Tiffany said bursting out with tears.

"Please don't cry, Tiff. Just think that I'm going to a better place."

"Taylor and I arn't going to have anyone to watch out for us." I said

"You have nothing to worry about. You guys will probably live with your grandparents."

"We don't want to stay with them. We would have to move."

"I'm sorry you don't have much choice, especially that everyone else lives out of state." she said.

"Oh...I forgot to tell you. There has been a lot of wierd things going on with Taylor." I mentioned.

"Really? Like what?" Mom asked.

"Taylor floated in thin air, healed a broken arm, and a lot of other things."

"Maybe I should tell you that..."

To... Be... Continued.... In... Chapter... Five...


A/N: Hey guys!! Hope you liked this chapter!! It's going to get so wickedly cool in the next chapter!!! Comment and vote, vote, vote!!!! Did you know Winnie the Pooh is British? No... well you do now!!! BAHA!! "Shut the front door!!" Gaww, we told you! Now go to your front door and SHUT IT!!! Lalala!!

-Kac and Kat

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