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Oh God, Wally thought, not again.

It had started out well enough. Wally had even thought he was home (finally). There was a Mount Justice just like there was supposed to be. There was a Justice League with all the correct members. There was a Team set up in the mountain too.

Wally had run into the mountain practically screaming "I'm home I'm home" at the top of his lungs. He found his bros, they were all the right gender, they were happy to see him alive.

Then he started to notice things.

Strange things.

Like how much time Zatanna and Artemis were spending together. Wally wasn't really disappointed when Artemis wasn't bugging him all the time. He was a little bummed when she'd reacted like the rest of the team, like she hadn't been dating him for five years, but it didn't really register. He'd been too busy telling Rob about the weird other earths. Even Dick was a little more touchy-feely than usual, but that was easily overlooked.

But Kaldur and Roy seemed different, too. Like, they talked more. A lot more. Last Wally checked, Roy hadn't been speaking to any of them. Original Recipe Roy, or Roy 2.0. But for some reason they were best friends. Roy even slept over at the mountain. A lot...

Last but not least was Megan and Conner. They weren't dating, and they didn't have awkward jealousy or whatever was going on with them. They were just... Bros. No history, no nothing. They were friends just like everyone else.

Then, Wally went home. Boy was that a mistake.

Hal was there, which was freaking awesome because Hal was like the cool uncle that he never had, (no offence Barry) but once again something was off.

He answered the door, which was weird. Why would Hal be answering the door? It was Barry's house. Wally told himself it was normal, but then something even weirder happened.

"Wally! Oh my God, you're alive!" Wally was suddenly crushed into his uncle's best friend's chest with extreme force. Then came the weird thing. Still clutching Wally, Hal turned to yell into the living room of the house. "Babe! He's back!"

Wally barely had time to register the word before Barry was crushing the two of them in a Bear-hug. "Wally! OhmyGodWallyweweresoworriedaboutyou! We thought you were gone, that you'd disappeared forever but here you are!" Barry kissed Wally's face all over like he was six and gave him more hugs until Wally finally got a word out.

"Uh, Uncle B? Hal? Are you guys okay?"

The two men stared at him in silence for a minute before Hal held up a hand to Wally's forehead. "Are you okay? You haven't called me Hal in years... And uncle?" By that point, he was whispering, so Barry cut in. He grabbed  Hal's hand first to reassure him.

"Wally, honey, are you okay? Are you sure you remember Pop and I?"

Wally stepped backward into the house. Pop? Who the hell was Pop?

The look of confusion and fear must have been fairly evident on his face because Barry buried his head in Hal's shoulder. Hal wrapped his arms around him and held him close while Wally watched, still too horrified by what was going on to fully comprehend it.

"Wally," Hal asked, his concerned voice sounding like a father's. "Where were you?"

"Another...Earth..." Wally stammered. Then it hit him. "Where's Aunt Iris? Where did she go?" Barry started crying and Hal kissed him on the head. Wally's eyes grew to the size of saucers. Where was his aunt?

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